目前分類:天使 (3550)

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Dear Ones,it is through embracing your connection to Source you are able to experience your own limitlessness.If you are feeling exhausted or hopeless,and that you have nothing left to give,it is a sign that you have been trying to go it alone,to use your own singular energy to navigate your life.Connect back into your home base and recharge! Tap into the eternal,healing flow of Source energy.From that place you will see you have all the love and support you could ever need to move forward and express your true fullness of self.

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Touch the World with your Spirit

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Today"s message is about taking chances.Setting your intention and then taking that leap of faith and jumping into the unknown,trusting that where you will land is exactly where you are supposed to be to best help you see the manifestations of those intentions in your life.Your Spirit Self,your Higher Self,or your over-soul don"t see things as good or bad,they see things as great and wonderful,as it all truly leads you to where you want to go...it is up to you,the spirit part that is experiencing,to make the call on how that should be.Although it doesn"t always seem so,you truly are in charge and when you begin to all work together to make it happen,it is truly magical to behold.

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Your body requires air,water,sunshine,healthy foods,vitamins,minerals,and movement to thrive.Your soul requires connection,beingness,peace,love,flow,and joy.The combination of all of these are required to be of shimmering health,balance and wholeness.As your thoughts turn to health,wellness and positive change as you consider the new year,remember to accept,nurture,and appreciate all parts of yourself as being necessary for whole health.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We can't help but notice that two very important words to you – guidance and abundance – contain the word dance.When you see these words,think of us extending our hands to you,inviting you to dance with us.We are here,always,to guide you and co-create with you,in a myriad of ways.All you have to do is accept our invitation.

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A Year of Hope

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So many of you enjoy doing rituals to ensure a beautiful new year.While every day is ripe for creation,we understand this day is symbolic so we would like to suggest something to you.Why not write a love letter,to yourself,outlining all the ways you will love and cherish yourself in 2015? Love is the way you will create the life you dream of,and it all starts within,which is something so many of you struggle with.Make the sacred commitment right now to love,honour and cherish yourself all year long,in as many ways as you can think of! From that completely fulfilled place,you will then be well primed to do,give and experience everything else your heart desires.~Archangel Gabriel

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As you are poised to step into the energies of a brand new year,we encourage you to declare what you wish to experience by embodying it,rather than powerlessly wishing the new year will be good.BEing what you wish to experience more of is using your authentic power,while wishing for things to happen for you is indicative of feeling less than powerful and hoping to be rescued.

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Strengthen your connection with the Divine

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Have Confidence

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Dear Ones,you are always growing and evolving.If you feel inspired to do or try something,listen to that inner nudging.It may not make sense at the time,but your soul is always guiding you to take the next important step that will lead you to your next grand adventure.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Where are you experiencing resistance in your life? It is the areas of most resistance that are begging to be transformed.Non-resistance will bring you the relief you seek.Surrender will bring you the relief you seek.Love will bring you the relief you seek.Do you see? Non-resistance,surrender,and love are the flow that we so often speak of.The flow is the vehicle that will get you to the comfort and joy you are missing.

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What you seek,is seeking you

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Activate your own power to heal your life

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Take care of You

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We wish you a wonderful day and thank you for being a part of each day through our messages,it is an honour to share in your experience in whatever humble way we do.

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If we could give you one thing for the holidays,it would be for you to see yourselves as we do.We wish you would allow yourselves to see how spectacular your beauty,your bravery,your compassion,your complete capability,your connectedness,your love,truly is.You are all divine perfection and loved wholly and completely for who you are and all you do.

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