Connecting with your Inner Knowing
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jan 13 Tue 2015 20:12
【天使的智慧】2015-1-12 與你的內在知曉連接
- Jan 12 Mon 2015 13:36
【大天使加百利】2015-1-11 回復天真和信任的本性
Many people think their innocence can be taken from them.Dear Ones,this is simply not true,as your innocence is part of who you are.What may happen,if you have been hurt by another,is your innocent and trusting nature may retreat,deep within yourself,in its desire to stay safe.
- Jan 12 Mon 2015 13:27
【天使的智慧】2015-1-10 充能並重新聚焦
Recharge and refocus
- Jan 11 Sun 2015 13:30
【大天使加百利】2015-1-10 最成功的人
The most successful people on your planet are those who unwaveringly honour their purpose and follow their passion.
- Jan 11 Sun 2015 13:19
【天使的智慧】2015-1-9 讓流動和同時性進入你的生活
Allow Flow and Synchronicity into your Life
- Jan 10 Sat 2015 13:43
【大天使加百利】2015-1-9 不要讓負面言論左右而不敢做真正的自己
Not everyone is going to understand or support your path.That is okay,Dear Ones,because you already have all the support you require built in,in the form of your internal guidance system,your higher self,your guides and helpers,and the universe itself,that only wishes to support whatever you desire.While we understand it is nice to have the support of those who are physically present,they simply do not have the vantage point of what is right for anyone other than themselves.
- Jan 10 Sat 2015 13:31
【天使的智慧】2015-1-8 揚升症狀
Ascension Symptoms
- Jan 09 Fri 2015 13:56
【大天使加百利】2014-12-21 2015發現之年
Greetings,Dear Ones! How pleased we are—so pleased—to be in your presence today.We honour you for coming on this magical day of celebration to anchor the energies of the group,and,of course,when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time,but also those who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet,at a later time.
- Jan 09 Fri 2015 13:54
【大天使加百利】2015-1-8 給予自己"愛"
Unconditional love for self—tender,accepting,nurturing,inclusive love for all aspects of self—is the most powerful step towards the enlightenment and unity consciousness you desire.It leads to the wholeness and acceptance you are seeking,which then allows you to recognize,experience,support and celebrate the universal whole.
- Jan 09 Fri 2015 13:47
【天使的智慧】2015-1-7 偉大的改變
Shifting Universes
- Jan 08 Thu 2015 13:48
【大天使烏列爾】2015-1-5 聆聽自己的指引!
Hear your own guidance! Listen to what it is that you need to solidify the inner decisions you have made,to bring them into action; listen to what is arising from your depths.Allow your light to get bigger and enlighten your path.As we move to 2015,you have been dressed with many high energies and refreshed under the rains of light.Now it is time to bring these vibrations together with Mother Earth.
- Jan 08 Thu 2015 13:35
【大天使加百利】2015-1-7 選擇讓你的真我來引領道路
When you choose to let your true self lead the way,your path then becomes a reflection of who you really are.When you make choices based on what honours,uplifts and matches you,your love relationships and friendships become much more open and joyful.When you choose employment that matches your interests and talents,your work becomes joyful.When you spend your spare time doing things that match your true passions,your spare time becomes joyful.Do you see? It doesn't take special blessings from Source to live a life that is infused with joy in all areas.Source always wants you to be living your highest expression of self! It simply takes you being authentic and loving yourself enough not to settle for anything less.
- Jan 08 Thu 2015 13:34
【天使的智慧】2015-1-6 一個新的意識正在覺醒
A New Awareness is Awakening
- Jan 07 Wed 2015 14:30
【大天使加百利】2015-1-6 拚搏與臣服
Dear Ones,what if you gave up efforting and forcing,and instead tried being and flowing? Because if effort was the secret to your success,you'd all be living the lives of your dreams right now,wouldn't you? We see you try tremendously,falling down and getting up,time and again,and going back to a system that really doesn't provide consistent and satisfying results.
- Jan 07 Wed 2015 14:27
【天使的智慧】2015-1-5 穩固和保護
Ground yourself and use energetic protection
- Jan 06 Tue 2015 12:41
【大天使加百利】2015-1-5 流動之美
The beauty of the flow is that it will always bring you to what you need for your growth,healing and expansion.This takes all the guess work out of things for you.There is no need to continually search for unhealed bits of yourselves,for things to release.If you are in surrendered movement and there is something you need to address,you will become aware of it in the perfect time and way for it to be healed the greatest ease possible,and then you'll be off to your next great adventure.
- Jan 06 Tue 2015 12:34
【大天使加百利】2015-1-4 與源頭連接
Dear Ones,it is through embracing your connection to Source you are able to experience your own limitlessness.If you are feeling exhausted or hopeless,and that you have nothing left to give,it is a sign that you have been trying to go it alone,to use your own singular energy to navigate your life.Connect back into your home base and recharge! Tap into the eternal,healing flow of Source energy.From that place you will see you have all the love and support you could ever need to move forward and express your true fullness of self.
- Jan 06 Tue 2015 12:29
【天使的智慧】2015-1-4 用你的精神觸及世界
Touch the World with your Spirit
- Jan 04 Sun 2015 13:41
【天使的智慧】2015-1-2 跟隨你的夢想
Today"s message is about taking chances.Setting your intention and then taking that leap of faith and jumping into the unknown,trusting that where you will land is exactly where you are supposed to be to best help you see the manifestations of those intentions in your life.Your Spirit Self,your Higher Self,or your over-soul don"t see things as good or bad,they see things as great and wonderful,as it all truly leads you to where you want to is up to you,the spirit part that is experiencing,to make the call on how that should be.Although it doesn"t always seem so,you truly are in charge and when you begin to all work together to make it happen,it is truly magical to behold.
- Jan 04 Sun 2015 13:33
【大天使加百利】2015-1-3 去接納、滋養和欣賞你所有的部分
Your body requires air,water,sunshine,healthy foods,vitamins,minerals,and movement to thrive.Your soul requires connection,beingness,peace,love,flow,and joy.The combination of all of these are required to be of shimmering health,balance and wholeness.As your thoughts turn to health,wellness and positive change as you consider the new year,remember to accept,nurture,and appreciate all parts of yourself as being necessary for whole health.