Dear Ones, faith and trust when fully utilized leads to acceptance and allowing.Acceptance and allowing anchors the energy of peace. So if peace is something you crave deeply, you must build the foundation that supports that experience by concentrating on the development of faith and trust first, and as that grows all the other elements you seek will naturally fall into place.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Mar 26 Tue 2019 12:40
【大天使加百利】2019-3-25 信念和信任
- Mar 25 Mon 2019 13:34
【大天使加百利】2019-3-24 給自己愛和關懷
What aspect of you needs your love and care most today?Can you commit to making that a priority?
- Mar 25 Mon 2019 13:33
【大天使加百利】2019-3-23 擁抱你的能量主權
A great many human beings are in the process of exploring healthy boundaries.Many of you have been raised in situations where boundaries were not honoured and in your desire to correct that have gone to the extreme in the other direction, where your boundaries have become quite rigid.
- Mar 23 Sat 2019 11:35
【大天使加百利】2019-3-22 把冥想融入到你的日常生活中
We often talk of the importance of meditation in helping you stay balanced and to assist you with moving with the energies with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible.We would like to speak about some of the most common reasons people avoid meditation and how to address them.
- Mar 22 Fri 2019 14:04
【大天使加百利】2019-3-20 共同創造的本質
Many of you have old conditioning that believes that easy is not good and that efforting is noble and somehow makes you more worthy.Why that kind of thinking makes it much more difficult to get where you wish to be, is because it is encouraging you to take a path that is not energetically supported. More often than not it is not making good use of your energy and time which leads to unnecessary frustration and exhaustion.
- Mar 22 Fri 2019 14:02
【大天使加百利】2019-3-20 接納你之所是的真理並允許它引領道路
Many of you believe you must reach a certain level of attainment before you can be of service or make a difference.We wish to dispel that idea today.
- Mar 20 Wed 2019 12:00
【大天使加百利】2019-3-19 保持平衡與支持彼此的方式
During times of energetic transformation it is common for people to feel some discomfort.How can you lead yourself with gentleness today? How can you bring gentleness into your interactions with others? We cannot stress enough how much the energy of kindness and gentle, supportive love are appreciated by those who temporarily cannot shift into those energies for themselves. Give it while you can, and receive it when it is offered, Dear Ones, for that is how you balance and support each other during these remarkable times.
- Mar 19 Tue 2019 13:33
【大天使加百利】2019-3-18 仁慈就是愛的行動
There can be times when the enlightenment process seems very complex.That is usually when the mind is busy trying to figure things out. If you are unsure of how to proceed, we recommend shifting back into your heart and taking things right back to basics. Simply lead with kindness, both for yourself and for others, for kindness is love in action, and ultimately that is all that is required.
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:24
【天使】2019-3-16 想像
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:22
【大天使加百利】2019-3-17 你是自身能量的專家
Dear Ones, we urge you to experiment and play with your own energetics.If you intuitively connect with it, what colour is your energy field? What colour is it when you are balanced and embracing the highest energetic level available to you? What can you do to restore it to that ideal level? What colour is any area that might need healing? What colour infusion would bring it relief?
- Mar 17 Sun 2019 12:32
【大天使加百利】2019-3-15 不抗拒自己
One of the most common questions we get asked is,"Do I have a blockage?"We would like to explore this today.
- Mar 16 Sat 2019 11:54
【大天使加百利】2019-3-14 感恩是流動的方向盤
Dear Ones, you cannot micro-manage and create at the same time for the simple reason that control is constraint, while creation is expansion.So how do you have a feeling of having some semblance of control while embracing creation? By understanding that gratitude is the steering wheel of the flow and your most powerful feedback tool for the universe, and your focus is your blessing of continuation. That, coupled with surrendering into your highest intentions, is how you move into empowered co-creation, the system that can actually lead you where you wish to go and beyond.
- Mar 15 Fri 2019 00:00
【大天使加百利】2019-3-13 你將憶起來自你靈魂的智慧
Dear Ones, many of you are receiving an influx of energy.This energy is high vibrating and spiralling,a golden energy consisting of adamantine particles which you would identify as Christed energy. This is an up-levelling of energy, if you will, and profound not only because you are ready to receive it, but also due to the shift it creates within you.
- Mar 13 Wed 2019 13:31
【大天使加百利】2019-3-12 在你之內錨定無條件之愛的能量
Dear Ones, as you feel things that come up for healing it is normal to want to withdraw for a moment.You will wish to cocoon, to self nurture, to be in your own energies in order to prioritize the shifting that is occurring. Do not allow this temporary desire to separate to trick you into thinking that you have not made progress or have lost your level of attainment!
- Mar 12 Tue 2019 13:33
【大天使加百利】2019-3-11 你的情緒是你身處能量的反饋
Many of you have been taught to temper your emotions, which has diminished your ability to be fully present and have the full human experience. You don't have to be afraid of your emotions, Dear Ones, in fact, they are the only way you can discover the things you really wish to experience such as love, compassion, connection, and joy.
- Mar 12 Tue 2019 13:30
【大天使加百利】2019-3-10 讓你的愛和存在來引領你
Many empaths, in their deep desire to get along, have developed the habit of stepping back and allowing other energies to take the lead, even if those energies were not an energetic match to them or do not serve the whole.
- Mar 11 Mon 2019 14:16
【天使】2019-3-9 與改變和平相處
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 10 Sun 2019 13:01
【大天使加百利】2019-3-9 相信和接納
We see so many of you who are exactly where you need to be question if you are doing enough, if you are blocked, if you are missing something, if you are broken in some way that you aren't aware of.While we appreciate your wanting to be diligent, this line of thinking can throw you into resistance to yourself, which in turn, slows the progress of the energetic process you are in, and creates unnecessary discomfort for you. Be aware that fear and doubt often lead to contraction and stagnation.
- Mar 09 Sat 2019 12:35
【大天使加百利】2019-3-8 自愛
Self love is allowing your inner wise one to create and hold the space for you to heal, release, integrate, and evolve.
- Mar 08 Fri 2019 11:55
【大天使加百利】2019-3-7 改變你對控制的想法
For those of you who like to have the feeling of control, surrender and flow can be difficult concepts to embrace.But that is only because you perceive it as careening about wildly with no control at all. We wish to address this today.