目前分類:天使 (3543)

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Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. On this day that focuses on love, we celebrate your heart connections with you.

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There are many great gifts that come from what you consider to be intense energies. They offer the opportunity to move the old up and out. They provide clarity on what you are doing well, what you could improve, and what you are ready to tackle based on this latest level of attainment. They transform you and are proof positive you are ready for the next step.

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Dear Ones, it is safe to trust in your growth, your knowledge, your wisdom, and your divine capability as you guide yourselves into the next exciting phase of your incarnation.

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A very common limiting belief is that love is hard to find.Please know your soul always knows exactly how to connect with your beloved. Send out a clarion call to your soul companion with your heart. Send them a telepathic message letting them know where to find you. Feel their presence. Announce to the universe,"I call my next great love to me now. I am ready."

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If you have a limiting belief that you keep repeating like a mantra, we recommend you find the energetic antidote to replace it with.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Embracing the unfoldment allows the foundation for your highest life expression to take form.It makes your dreams possible and sustainable.

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We understand that your mind wants assurances.But the way to create into your grandest experiences and creations is to get comfortable with unfoldment and the great beyond.

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You are goodness personified.

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A common theme that is coming up for healing for a great many of you is the belief that you are not good enough.This belief sits at the bottom of all self imposed limitations. It is impossible to step into your highest life expression and still carry this false belief. It would amount to trying to leap with an anvil tied around your neck.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you are trying to create or move into something and it feels completely stuck, it is because there is a missing energetic ingredient that is required for its manifestation. This could be the energy of a certain person, an additional element, an energetic shift that is required for you to move into full resonance with it, or simply an alignment that comes with divine timing.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Your ego self wants everything to stay the same so it can feel in control.Forward movement and expansion is what your soul craves. This disconnect is what often creates discomfort. Think of your soul self as the loving guide and parent of your ego self, making the highest decisions for the entirety of you, knowing that with your care and guidance the ego will always settle into its new reality. When you are tending to all aspects of self you will find it much easier to surrender into the forward movement you seek.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Most of you understand the value of trust when you are in an ebb phase.But trust is equally important when you are in accelerated forward movement. Trust is the element that allows you to move with, and harness the full potential, of each phase. Many of you will be experiencing breakthroughs this year. Having a well developed ability to trust in yourself, your guides, your soul's agenda, and a universe that adores you, will allow you to navigate those breakthroughs with the utmost grace and ease, wonder and joy. We cannot stress enough that it is trust that opens you up to the highest outcomes that can continue to grow and expand.

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Faith is the belief in something bigger than yourself.Trust is the belief that that bigger something is consistently there for you in all ways. It is your faith and trust that allows you to move with the flow with the most ease possible. If you are resistant to the flow, what can you do to deepen your trust?

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One of the most integral steps of self healing is to release your fear of feeling, for choosing not to feel is choosing separation from yourself.

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When emotions come up for release labelling them can be a very helpful exercise, for it will assist you in feeling into them.You may be surprised to discover that once you feel into something and properly label it, it will instantly dissipate. If it persists, feel again to identify other emotions that may be part of the mix.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For many of you, unfair persecution is a wound or theme that is coming up to be cleared.If this is the case, you may have people accuse you of things that are not so, misinterpret your intentions, and do not reflect your truth. As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, you will realize that shining your truth is more a means of self expression than it is proving anything to anyone. Releasing those old wounds will allow you to embrace more of who you are, and to lead by that true energetic expression of self which will allow you to continue to create and grow and draw to you those who have the ability to see you in your truth and authenticity.

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You will effortlessly harness every blessing of the flow if you simply choose to move with whatever is being energetically supported on any given day. ~Archangel Gabriel

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It is important to remember that discomfort is merely a re-directional tool. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand, so anything that blocks that is not going to be energetically supported. If you are being resistant to growth and expansion your discomfort will only grow until it becomes too uncomfortable to stay the same and at that moment you will willingly embrace forward movement again. The discomfort will have served its purpose and will quickly abate.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, you cannot be constrained or resistant and love at the same time.You cannot be constrained or resistant and receive love at the same time. Love is flow and expansion. When we continue to impress upon you the importance of the surrender, faith, flow, trust model we are giving you the divine combination to the full experience of the love that exists for you and has been patiently waiting for you to embrace.

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