We speak so often of the importance of trust.It is an absolutely essential element for your spiritual journey. But there can be a shadow side of trust and that is what we would like to address today.

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China poised to seize Daimler Benz, Deutsche Bank as German 4th Reich collapses

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By intending to move forward into the next phase of your incarnation as an empowered co-creator, you are also choosing to deepen your experience with trust, for you simply cannot embrace one without the other.

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Do you believe expansion needs to be painful?Many of you do. This is due to thinking of expansion as being stretched beyond your capacity.

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這是Cobra在2019年16&17日布達佩斯靈魂家族工作坊筆記的第一部分(共四部分)。這些筆記是Hanneke van Ginkel, Michel van de Ven 和 Jacqueline van Rijswijk合作完成。

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We were recently asked by someone how they could be more loving toward their husband. They were not happy with how they were treating their partner, and wished to shift it.This is a common experience within relationships and we wished to discuss this today.

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