一篇由伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)親自撰寫的火星殖民計畫正式成為學術論文,內容詳細提及這位發明家打算如何前往火星、以及到達目的地後想做什麼,包括更新前陣子介紹的全新超重型運載火箭BFR設計細節,預計第一批BFR將在2022年抵達火星。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It was said in the past,"All roads lead to Rome."We wish to remind you now that all roads, all change, leads to your future. And your future, dear friends, is promised, is imminent, and is as you have created it.

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The entire universe is helping you with your evolution. All you must do is move with it, one now moment at a time. It does not need to be any more complicated than that.

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近日,一段顯示在天空中出現奇怪的巨型『方形雲』的影片已經將一個長久傳聞的陰謀論推到了極限,聲稱影片證明了美國的絕密天氣控制計劃是真實的。這段影片被上傳到FacebookYouTube和陰謀論網站上,在一個『Discover the World』網站上有數十萬人點閱,上萬人分享。

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It's time to remind China of its place

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God said:

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Do you find yourself getting offended when others tell you what to do?This is a sure sign of your own evolution.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you been feeling off this week?Don't worry; you're not alone. Even though we can do a lot of things to get ourselves uptempo and energized—great food, adequate rest, a bit of activity—sometimes events are happening around us that have an impact on our ability to stay on top of our game. This week, the unsolicited drop in your energy could be related to something that is entirely outside of your control.

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