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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

何瑞斯‧德魯博士(Dr Horace Drew)擁有美國加州理工學院化學博士學位,他說,先進的外星物種可能利用植物與人類和平交流。他聲稱,麥田圈是真的,其中包含了來自外星人或時間旅行者的隱藏信息。

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God said:

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The dark things,the scary things,the things that slither and slide just outside the edge of your light are there for a reason.Being curious and attracted to it brings them there.However,you have the advantage,dear one.You know why they have come calling and you know what do to with them.For each one you see,direct all the Unconditional Love you can muster in its direction,then watch the transformation.How quickly they change depends solely on how much Love you choose to expend.The only thing to need to release is the "fear" of the endless and infinite well of Love at your disposal.

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God said:

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For those of you in a constant struggle; remove the fight and the fight ceases to exist in your paradigm.

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