- Aug 24 Wed 2016 14:26
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 14:18
《Zerohedge》報導,上週五(2016/8/12)花旗(Citi)一名債券及衍生性商品CDS交易員Jack Weaner在一封致投資人信件中承認,雖然目前人人皆知國際債市已處在極高檔的風險區間,但是由於市場上能夠投資的標的實在是所剩無幾,故當前債券價格依舊在持續上揚。
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 14:15
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 14:02
【大天使加百利】2016-8-22 閃耀並擁抱自己的偏好
There was a time when you would define yourself by comparing yourself to what others were doing, which usually involved making yourself, or others wrong.As you evolve, you are starting to understand that there really isn't right or wrong, there is merely experience, and choosing what is right for your own individual life expression.
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 13:55
【造物主】2016-8-21 內在
Your destiny and your flow are not determined by outside forces but, by the ones that exist within.~ CreatorYour destiny and your flow are not determined by outside forces but, by the ones that exist within.
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 13:53
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 13:02
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 12:53
Bashar could you give me an example of piloting from one system to another system?
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 12:37
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 12:33
通過克裡亞瑜伽(kriya yoga)會在你和你的身體,在你和你的頭腦之間創造某些空間。假如說在你的生命中存在著任何掙扎的話,那是因為你將你自己認同於你自己的這些有限的方面。
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 12:29
【大天使加百利】2016-8-21 檢視你的信念
If you are looking to change your life in a very empowering way, we suggest you write down all of your self-limiting beliefs and I am statements—the chatter that automatically goes on in your mind that always contains some kind of reason why you can't evolve beyond what is unwanted or how you trick yourself into believing you are somehow not good enough.Leave a space after every statement that comes to you.
- Aug 23 Tue 2016 12:16
【健康】大口深呼吸3次 矯正駝背、提高代謝力!