A fun and easy healing technique is to call on your own little healing sun.If there is a part of your body that is hurting, imagine your healing sun going to that area and beaming warming, healing light to that area that penetrates right down to a cell level.If you are feeling lonely or sad, imagine your healing sun beaming love into your heart centre.If you are having trouble with your thoughts, imagine your little healing sun beaming soothing light onto the top of your head and sending reassurance and relaxation right into your brain.Healing doesn't have to be complicated to be effective, Dear Ones! Again we urge you to have fun with it and to experiment with whatever you intuitively are guided to try.After all, you are the experts on you, and as such, will often come up with the most effective fixes for your own energetics.

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You have completed the first half of 2016, and all of the shifting and releasing that it has made possible.Congratulations! Take a moment to bask in the light of this day, and embrace the endless possibilities that are possible now that you have energetically locked in all the progress you have made.Take a moment to acknowledge the courageous capability that has brought you to this point! It's a wonderful day to stop, honour yourselves, thank your guides and helpers and have a moment of gratitude for your role in this great Shift on your planet.It is also an ideal time to consider what you would like to create moving forward from this new energetic platform.You are celebrated for all that you have done, and all that you will continue to do! You are all doing such a spectacular job, both individually and collectively, and are loved beyond measure.

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Understand something about The Law Of Attraction.

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Acceptance is such an important element for creating comfort in your lives.It is essential in order to move into the things you wish to experience more of.

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That moment in time,that fraction of a second when things in your life seem to move in slow motion is The Universe giving you time to rest before you start receiving in a big way! Do not fret over it, enjoy the quiet.

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韭菜的味道可能跟洋蔥類似,這是因為它們實際上同屬於蘆筍家族;源於地中海及亞洲,但現在溫帶地區也已經有種植。這種植物含有稱作山柰酚(Kaempferol) 的抗癌化合物(同時也能改善心血管健康) 以及檞皮素(可抑制致癌物質在體內發展),對抗前列腺癌及結腸癌特別有用。

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