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Dear Ones,you have done it! You have come through a year that has energetically shifted you more than any other time on your planet.You have cleansed and purged and have also become accustomed to very fast moving energies.What you have accomplished is absolutely remarkable! What this now allows you to do is to start 2016 from a platform—a golden platform of light—that allows you a higher vantage point than you have ever had to operate from before.This will allow you to see things from a whole new perspective,to see into what life looks like in these new energies,and to create beyond what you could have ever imagined possible.So we commend you and congratulate you on all that you have done,and what you are now set up to do,which is to navigate your life lovingly,mindfully,compassionately and passionately,as you move into the next phase of this grand adventure you are on called life.

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Today we would like to briefly discuss how your thoughts and expectations play significant roles in the relationships that you have with one another.

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When you try to control what the conscious mind perceives as chaos,you will successfully draw more of it to you.If you surrender yourself to the Love Power of The Universe,all things become possible.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends,we love you so very much,Breathe,dear ones.In every breath your life is birthed anew.In every breath the Christ light that came into the world in the form of a little child so many years ago has an opportunity to be birthed again,within you.In every breath,a light that can never be extinguished grows within your heart,illuminating your mind,comforting your emotions,and radiating outward via your every thought,word,and deed into a world in need of love.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If we had only one wish for you as you enter the energy of a brand new year,it would be that you make a sacred vow to love yourselves unconditionally in 2016.If you make that your priority,love will lead the way in all that you do,and you will be setting the energy to allow all other things to fall beautifully into place for you.Celebrate what's within first,Dear Ones,and you will create the energetic foundation to have all kinds of things to celebrate all year long.

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At the center of the all-encompassing power of love exists the one thing that makes it all work…you.

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The past year has seen pre-revolutionary turmoil,next may come post-revolutionary turmoil

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