The global alliance against the Satanic Khazarian mafia scored major victories last week on multiple fronts.Most importantly, the Federal Reserve Board building in Washington DC has been fenced off

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Many human beings have been denying or resisting their own truth for years.Your self presence creates the space for you to get to know yourself again.

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Have you ever noticed how so many people think love is a limited commodity, but you never feel that way about kindness? You may also think love is hard, difficult to find, is a lot of work, and any other of the many limited beliefs humans have developed about their experiences with love, but you never feel that way about kindness.

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Many of you have had periods of solitude, but have you truly been present with yourselves?

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You might be surprised when we tell you that one of the things you yearn for the most is your own presence.Your self presence is a key pillar of your self love process.When was the last time you made space to simply be with yourself? Can you make the sacred commitment to start to do that?

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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As we close out this week's series of messages on boundaries, we would like to discuss how to know someone has changed enough to let them back into closer proximity to you.

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Despite resorting to extreme fascist repression, the Khazarian mafia slave regimes of the G7 are mathematically doomed.The reason is financial.They made the fundamental mistake of thinking that numbers on financial institution computers were real and not imaginary.This is why, for the first time in my memory, the G20 finance ministers did not issue a statement after meeting last week.If they had been honest, they would have declared bankruptcy.

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We realize that adjusting boundaries can seem daunting, especially if they've been in an unhealthy pattern for a long time.But healthy boundaries are essential for helping you, and everyone around you, meet their highest potentials.That is exactly why they are coming up for reexamination for so many of you.

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As we continue our series on boundaries this week, we would like to offer you an analogy that should make it very easy to understand the varying connection points of boundaries.

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