你可能正無精打采的縮在電腦螢幕前面,駝背向前盯著螢幕。不良的姿勢隨處可見,但是大部分的人都不知道只要一個簡單的方式就能改善。多做 30 秒短暫的伸展運動,即可遠離不良姿勢的影響。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,healing is a process that occurs naturally.You will be made aware of anything that needs to be addressed.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Unlimited Potential

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

性步入中年之後似乎就必須面對腹部脂肪增加的困擾,不過最近有關腹部脂肪的研究已經發現,腹部脂肪已經不只是 50 歲以上女性的常見問題,壓力及久坐的生活方式等因素已經造成肥胖人口增加及減重日益受到關注。

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Time races on and events on Earth are speeding up,and having been given freewill to decide how to live together you are now experiencing the result of your choices.It is obvious that you cannot sustain the system that you have created,as it crumbles and proves to be inadequate for your needs.Indeed you have so to say that you have been living on borrowed time and it is already becoming obvious that you cannot prevent the breakdown of the Human Race.Age after Age you have tried to establish a thriving population,yet at the same time have failed to bring along the poorest nations with you.The problems are now so huge that it is too late to prevent the outcome that is the disintegration of the old systems.In other words you will be forced to change your ways if you wish to overcome the problems that you have created.It will be a painful process but will result in a new way of living together,where the vibrations have been lifted to the point where negativity is practically non-existent.Then you will see the true way harmony and peace can be sustained,and people can live without fear.We can assure you that it is possible,and as the vibrations continue to speed up,you will not have too long to experience some positive changes.The dark Ones are no longer allowed to dictate how your future works out,and their plan for total domination is now unworkable.

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Have you ever considered simply asking your inner child what they would like to do today? They will always seek out love,nurturing and fun when they are given your undivided attention,and that is how simple it is to give yourself the unconditional love and joy you are wishing to experience more of.

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Today we would like to take this time to share our perspective if we may as many of you are manifesting rather difficult or frustrating hurdles for yourself at this time.Some of you are manifesting small annoyances while others feel as though they are being faced with large and difficult challenges.First and foremost we would first like to remind you to take a breath.This too shall pass as it always does.We remind you,this year will help you to better maintain your faith and teach you how to manifest what you desire.

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New Beginnings

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Lightness Of Being

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