Utilize the magical energy around you

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Celebrate Your Existence

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過去 10 年已有無數的研究結果顯示色彩鮮豔的蔬果中含有重要的黃酮,能夠幫助預防甚至治療慢性疾病。黃酮除了能幫助大多數的蔬果成長茁壯,也能改善人體的基因表達,甚至針對必要的代謝過程抵禦癌症、癡呆和心血管疾病。

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在美國加州聖地牙哥的一所學校裡,65% 的五年級學童被診斷罹患注意力不足過動症並受到指示服用藥物;甚至正常的兒童也被隨機用藥,以使他們看起來就像大人想要他們的那個樣子─乖巧文靜。

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美國當地時間2015年3月12日週四晚上,美國總統奧巴馬現身Jimmy Kimmel的深夜脫口秀節目,正如去年4月詢問克林頓總統一樣(克林頓:如果外星人到訪我不會驚訝),Kimmel也問奧巴馬是否看過51區和UFO的資料。

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A whole series of changes lay ahead of you now that the dark Ones plans have been thwarted.They can no longer dictate the course of Humanities future,and can only concede their position to the Light.It has meant that progress can now more or less proceed unheeded or impeded,and activities can be more open and made known to you.There is much to do and our plans are to produce results as soon as possible.Hitherto we have had to be guarded where our they were concerned,but now we can let you know without any great fear.You will also see more of our craft openly moving through your skies,where previously we have mainly kept our cloaks of invisibility on to avoid any confrontation with your craft.We now await recognition from your political leaders but know that many are scared to be revealed for what they really are.However,in time all will be revealed and no individual will find any hiding place.The higher vibrations are no place for any lesser Beings as there comes a point when only the truth can exist.The dark Ones have had their day and in spite of all you may know about them,as with any other soul we offer them the opportunity to turn to the Light without any recriminations.They will however have a long way to go to fully recover their position in it.

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Allow yourself to surrender

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What if all obstacles in your life were suddenly removed? Stop and consider that.What would you do?

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傳統醫學和製藥業巨頭常常將白藜蘆醇與騙錢畫上等號,總是試圖說服大眾接受吃這些補充品是浪費金錢的觀念。但是要知道,銷售藥物為這些人帶來巨大的利益,卻也造成每年約 10 萬人的生命損失;相反的白藜蘆醇不僅非常安全,帶給健康的好處也十分顯著。

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