- Feb 28 Sat 2015 14:28
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 14:17
【柯博拉】2015-2-16 Cobra Interview with Rob Potter
Rob:Cobra,謝謝你再次到來vicotry of light節目,這次是特別版。
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 14:07
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 14:05
【SaLuSa】2015-2-27 陳舊的一切正被拆除
You are living in dramatic times when changes are going to take place very quickly.They are going to introduce you to the New Age that will eventually change virtually all aspects of your life.They may take time to manifest but they are already taking shape,as the old set up is being dismantled.It was specifically meant to keep you in the dark and prevent you from realising your true potential.The dark Ones intentionally concealed the truth of your true heritage,but that time is now coming to a close and those souls that are enlightened are leading the way forward.It means that those who cannot release themselves from their old belief system,will gradually become more isolated.There is no shame or retribution where they are concerned,but is does mean that their next experience will be a continuation of what they have already chosen.Be assured that many helpers are with such souls,encouraging them to have the desire to lift themselves up.Since time is an illusion it does not matter how long it takes for them to awaken.
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:43
【大天使加百利】2015-2-27 你所專注的會成長
Dear Ones,you are so very powerful,what you give your attention to grows.What are you giving your blessing to today?
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:35
【天使的智慧】2015-2-26 你在進入自身
You are coming into your own
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:34
【造物主】2015-2-27 蒙蔽
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:33
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:32
脂溶性微生素 A、D 和 K2 對於建立強而有力的身體必不可少,這些維生素會一起作用並幫助吸收鎂和鋅等其他必需礦物質;脂溶性微生素還支持骨骼、牙齒和健康的免疫系統。很不幸的,許多現代加工食品卻缺少這些維生素。
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:31
- Feb 27 Fri 2015 13:56
- Feb 27 Fri 2015 13:45