If you choose to be someone's rock, be sure they do not use you as a step to get to something they perceive as better.
目前分類:造物主 (846)
- Sep 07 Wed 2016 14:39
【造物主】2016-9-5 絆腳石還是墊腳石
- Sep 06 Tue 2016 12:12
【造物主】2016-9-4 時間
Give yourself time, my love.Time is what you have come to experience.
- Sep 05 Mon 2016 11:45
【造物主】2016-9-3 魔力
Magic is happening all around you; the little and the big, the obvious and subtle.Take time to notice and give thanks for it.
- Sep 03 Sat 2016 12:09
【造物主】2016-9-2 成就自己的
Curse the darkness or make your own light.My beloved, the choice has always yours.
- Sep 02 Fri 2016 12:03
【造物主】2016-9-1 珍貴
My darling child, I know you are tired and frustrated.I know that you wish all of the changes that are taking place right now would hurry up and be over.You are going through a very human experience; be grateful for it because it will never happen again.And, when it is over, you will be able to look back and see it for what it truly is…a priceless gift of growth and learning.
- Sep 01 Thu 2016 11:47
【造物主】2016-8-31 聆聽
You all have the ability, the gift, the longing…it depends soley on how well you are willing to listen.
- Sep 01 Thu 2016 11:44
【造物主】2016-8-30 純淨
Let go and allow yourself to become the being of pure light you are intended to be.
- Aug 31 Wed 2016 12:30
【造物主】2016-8-29 質疑
You are because you are.It is because it is.Questioning this is part of human nature, the exercising of the free will you were gifted.Use it and love your human side because of it.
- Aug 29 Mon 2016 12:52
【造物主】2016-8-28 允許成為人
There may be times where you are in a "not so good"space. Even when your intentions are good, it feels as if nothing makes sense and all is out of place. When this happens, please remember, it is OK to feel disappointed, upset or angry. Do not punish yourself for it. At times, it is necessary to let these feelings out safely to move them out of the way and make room for happier things and thoughts to arrive. You are human, give yourself permission to be one.
- Aug 29 Mon 2016 12:48
【造物主】2016-8-27 你的存在
There is nothing that compares to the sensual ecstasy of your existence.It is pure magic.
- Aug 28 Sun 2016 12:32
【造物主】2016-8-26 你可以嗎?
Can you feel it? The power of unconditional love is building, growing and gaining speed.There is no need to chase it like a child chases a rainbow, it is coming directly to you.Embrace it!
- Aug 27 Sat 2016 13:14
【造物主】2016-8-25 你的部分
During every key point in your Earth's history, there have been a few that have affected change in a huge way. Some worked quietly behind the scenes, others put a face to whatever revolution was going on and still other risked life and limb for it. Now, right now, is another such time on your Earth plane. Whatever you choose to do during this time is up to you…just know you are here to change the world.
- Aug 26 Fri 2016 12:29
【造物主】2016-8-23 順其自然
On your journey, you may feel as if you are falling behind. Everyone else is catching on faster, attaining more, doing more, feeling better and adjusting more quickly than you. My love, please release the need to "beat up on yourself"! You are exactly where you need to be! Remember, while you are looking at others and comparing yourself to them, others are doing the same with you. Each has their own pace and way of doing things. Let it be.
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:26
【造物主】2016-8-24 愛的化身
You are a blessing in disguise, a joyous moment waiting to happen, a surprise on a special day; you are love incarnate.
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:22
【造物主】2016-8-22 新的你
My beloved child; do not wait for the"New Earth" to arrive.This is the time, the place, the moment and the beginning of your new You.
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 13:55
【造物主】2016-8-21 內在
Your destiny and your flow are not determined by outside forces but, by the ones that exist within.~ CreatorYour destiny and your flow are not determined by outside forces but, by the ones that exist within.
- Aug 21 Sun 2016 13:29
【造物主】2016-8-20 你總是在學習
You have made plans for your life, you know which direction you are moving, you do your best to stay happy and treat your sacred vessel accordingly but, sometimes, The Universe has other plans. Prior to your arrival, you and I had a conversation. There were certain things you asked to experience, but some of you may have "misplaced the memo".(Smiling)
- Aug 20 Sat 2016 12:03
【造物主】2016-8-19 三件事
There are the three things to remember when challenging situations present themselves in your life; reaching, stretching, growing.
- Aug 20 Sat 2016 12:00
【造物主】2016-8-18 向前運動
How often to do you let one fear stand in your way of experiencing miracles? All of the joy, love, peace, abundance and exhilaration of your existence on your Earth plane await your forward motion.
- Aug 19 Fri 2016 13:00
【造物主】2016-8-17 觸及
Reach beyond what you think is attainable! Life has a way of exceeding your expectations with one positive thought!