目前分類:本傑明·福爾福德 (471)

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The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports:「Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.」

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The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.

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The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.

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The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week's survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil.

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  The corporate theater of the absurd that passes off as news in the West reached a new low with the so-called Iranian attack on Israel that was 「99% stopped」 by Israel. The Israeli cabinet then issued a photograph and video with bottles of Coca Cola prominently displayed. Coca Cola is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and the usual suspects so you know who is sponsoring this 「Iranian attack.」 Of course the Israeli government had to obey the orders of their corporate sponsors with product placement.

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The secret war for the planet raging between Satanists and the forces of light is headed for a decisive battle centered on the eclipse due to start shortly after this report goes live.

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With this week's report appearing on April 1st, we thought about writing an April Fools' joke article. However, the real situation is already like a sick joke so we didn't bother. Just think about so-called President Joe Biden officially declaring Easter as 「Transgender Day of Visibility.」 This appears to be either a twisted April Fools' joke or a direct middle finger to Christians, from the allegedly Catholic, Joe Biden.

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The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar eclipse event has been forensically traced to the (kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest) Chabad death cult.

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The mega black swan event predicted for March 15th actually did take place as will become increasingly obvious over the coming days and months. The Khazarian Mafia's so-called 「Rules Based World Order,」 has surrendered, according to Asian Secret Society and White Dragon sources. The hybrid war for control of the planet Earth that has been raging at least since September 11, 2001, is thus ending.

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The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to try to stay in power. Both sides might use earthquake weapons and other electromagnetic forms of warfare. The only thing for sure is major fireworks.

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Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat, the Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies:They must either agree to a world federation or face all-out nuclear war.

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This video was sent to us as we were about to go live. It appears to be in preparation for an official announcement of the death of King Charles.

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The Satanic Khazarian Mafia ruling class of the West is more vulnerable than it ever has been in its history. This is because a critical mass of people has awakened to the fact our governments are our mortal enemies. With a big push by the white hat military, together with farmers, truckers and ordinary citizens, we can remove them from power and bring them to justice.

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Before we start our report we have an update from last week. A former US Marines Special Forces officer and Apache warrior by the name of William Twofeather was given the information on the child torture facilities reported on. Now we hear:

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If this doesn't make your blood boil, I don't know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

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The official defiance by Texas Governor Greg Abbot of illegal orders coming from the fake US President Joe Biden and the blackmail-compromised Supreme Court marks the opening shots of the second American Revolution. This is part of a worldwide revolution against Satanic Khazarian Mafia rule. In France and other parts of Europe farmers with tractors, the modern equivalent of peasants with pitchforks, are on the warpath against the KM-controlled puppet governments. Russia too, is finally preparing to march into Western Europe and destroy the Nazi infestation there. In the Middle East, the UK has officially withdrawn the Balfour Declaration meaning Israel as it currently exists, is finished. In China too, the communist party is facing an unprecedented crisis as its' real estate-based financial system implodes. There is also a revolution brewing in Iran as KM puppet 「Supreme Leader」 Ayatollah Khamenei is being replaced, according to Iranian sources.

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Many monotheists think we are facing end times. The reality is we are facing beginning times. An ancient group mind or cult, known in folklore as Satan, is about to be defeated and humanity is about to be liberated. This will mark the beginning of a new Golden Age for humanity.

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The Satanic Khazarian mafia is reeling and it is time to finish them off once and forever. The exposure of human sacrifice facilities in the basement of Chabad world headquarters in New York has made the whole world aware of what we are dealing with. European truck drivers, farmers and train conductors have shut down EU commerce in a move to remove KM slave governments from power. The State of Texas has declared war on the Washington DC slavers by closing the border and stopping the flow of children destined for torture and sacrifice. The Catholic Church Hierarchy in Latin America and Africa, where the vast majority of Catholics reside, has revolted against the rubber-masked fake KM puppet"Pope"Francis. Similar moves are being seen all over the world.

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There are many signs we are headed for some sort of massive black swan event or set of events, that is likely to involve both a white hat mass arrest operation and a Khazarian Mafia response that will dwarf 911.

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The world, especially the Western world, is in a situation like Japan was in at the end of World War II after it agreed to surrender but before US troops landed take over:it is an interregnum. The British Commonwealth, Asian secret societies, the Russians, the Pentagon and other power centers say they support a white hat proposal for a new planetary arrangement. The Khazarian mafia has also agreed to surrender and a power transition is being arranged. However, there are still fanatical holdouts trying to start Armageddon or at least a big war so, it could be a bumpy ride.

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