Surrender and flow are so essential because they are what moves you beyond your self imposed limitations.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- May 05 Sat 2018 11:31
【大天使加百利】2018-5-3 超越自我限制
- May 04 Fri 2018 10:51
【大天使加百利】2018-5-2 從頭腦的喋喋不休轉變到心靈的知曉
Don't ever distrust your ability to guide yourself in your own life expression. If you are unsure of how to proceed, simply asking,"What would my inner wisdom advise?"will immediately connect you with the part of you that knows exactly what to do. This is an excellent practice to help you shift from the chatter of the mind to the knowingness of the heart.
- May 03 Thu 2018 11:53
【天使】2018-4-30 你的下一個角色
Now is the time for the Earth Angel reserves to step forward.Yes you! We are talking to you!
- May 03 Thu 2018 11:33
【大天使加百利】2018-5-1 臣服和流動是你自然的存在狀態
Many of you wonder if you are surrendered into the flow.There are a couple of ways to know.
- May 02 Wed 2018 11:27
【大天使加百利】2018-4-30 明晰你的體驗如何為你提供服務
We cannot stress enough the immense power of experience in your lives.As you move forward as the empowered creator in your own life expression, you will support your freedom and expansion best by releasing the attachment to result and seeing that experience has immense value for you.
- May 01 Tue 2018 09:58
- May 01 Tue 2018 09:49
【大天使加百利】2018-4-29 真正的轉變
There are many of you who seek to release darkness or density from your soul.Dear Ones, you are beings of love and light. Your soul is never dark, there are simply areas where experience has resulted in your forgetting that truth.
- Apr 30 Mon 2018 10:57
【大天使加百利】2018-4-28 敞開心扉讓自己被愛
Our wish for you today is that you open up and allow yourself to be loved, not just by other people, but by the entire universe.
- Apr 29 Sun 2018 12:18
【大天使加百利】2018-4-16 擴張你們的服務
I am Gabriel and I spread my wings over you today.Your world is now at a point in history where the great conclusion will take place. This conclusion is about the power of good versus evil. The light stands against the dark. Which side have you chosen dear children on Earth? As far as Gaia is concerned she has chosen the light, but humanity is sitting on the fence. It is weighing towards the light, but a bit more force is needed in order for the results to be visible on Earth. You who work for the light are doing a great job, but more brothers and sisters need to join in order for the power of the light to shine stronger in your world. You need to spread your light and wisdom over your whole world so that more can join the light and it is true loving force.
- Apr 29 Sun 2018 11:47
【天使】2018-4-28 夢想與雜草
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Apr 29 Sun 2018 11:45
【大天使加百利】2018-4-27 改變你生活的最快方式
The fastest way to transform your life is by accepting your authentic power and divine worthiness while being willing to embrace the endless supports available to you from a universe that adores you.
- Apr 28 Sat 2018 10:36
【大天使加百利】2018-4-26 最終的遊戲改變者
Your acceptance and allowance of your own mastery is the ultimate game changer as you move forward into phase two of your incarnation.
- Apr 27 Fri 2018 10:44
【大天使加百利】2018-4-25 改變之風在生活中吹起
A great many of you are feeling the winds of change blowing in your lives.This is indicative of the work you have done and the new phase you are entering. You are transitioning from the first phase of your incarnation which was about doing and duty, into the next phase which is about being and self expression. Your service, your location, your interests, your preferences, and your approach to life are all areas that may shift to reflect this. Trust in this unfoldment, Dear Ones, for this is exactly what you have been waiting to move into for so very long.
- Apr 26 Thu 2018 10:38
【大天使加百利】2018-4-24 超越已知
Your ability to trust and play in the expansive energies that exist just beyond what you can see or imagine, is what opens the door for you to co-create a full and satisfying life that is beyond your wildest dreams.To have a big, beautiful life you must be willing to play in the big, beautiful energies of the unknown where all things are possible, including your highest soul expression.
- Apr 25 Wed 2018 11:49
【大天使加百利】2018-4-23 冥想過程中提問的重要性
We have long advocated the importance of asking questions during meditation.It can be easy to forget to ask while you are in a shifted state, but there is great value in starting to ask for more clarification or guidance while you are in that connected state and open to receive. A great question to ask is,"What would you like me to know today?"
- Apr 24 Tue 2018 10:45
【大天使加百利】2018-4-22 擁抱你自己美麗且獨特的能量
Dear Ones, it is impossible to shine and pick up other people's energies at the same time.Be a bringer of the light by simply embracing and leading with your own beautiful and unique energy, and everywhere you are guided to go will become a loving act of service.
- Apr 23 Mon 2018 12:16
【大天使加百利】2018-4-21 你選擇什麼?
As you embrace your innate ability as the empowered creator of your own life expression, we encourage you to select a mantra or affirmation for yourself that embodies the essence of what you would like to experience.Make sure it feels wonderful to you and makes you feel alignment with that which you desire.
- Apr 22 Sun 2018 11:36
【天使】2018-4-21 我生活-我愛-我創造
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Apr 22 Sun 2018 11:35
【大天使加百利】2018-4-20 你可以讓你的靈性家人來引領你
There are going to be times in your life when you don't know where you are going or how things are going to work out.If you have well established faith and trust, you can approach that phase much like allowing yourself to be blindfolded and led by your beloved family members to a surprise they have set up for you that is sure to delight you. You can surrender into the idea of delicious unfoldment and fully embrace the joyful anticipation of what your highest self and your guides have in store for you because you are secure in the fact that they love you and know you so well.
- Apr 21 Sat 2018 12:40