Dear Ones, the best way to soothe yourself during times of energetic intensity is to allow yourself to move with the waves. Trust the rhythm of the universe and the purpose of each part of the process.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Apr 13 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-4-6 相信宇宙的韻律以及過程
- Apr 12 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-4-5 跟隨自己的內心並尊重自己想表達的方式
The biggest challenge many of you are facing is learning how to navigate your life moving forward based on what you would like to do vs what you have to do. The first chapter of your incarnation had many "presets’ if you will – things on your soul's to-do list that you wanted to experience. These might include soul contracts to connect and interact with others, a desire to balance karma, service contracts to assist in certain ways, and themes you wished to expand on while you were in the body in your desire to heal them once and for all. For many of you it was all about having a 3D experience.
- Apr 11 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-4-4 你正在進入新篇章的過程中
Dear Ones, you are in a time of rebirth. You are leaving the old chapter behind and in the process of stepping fully into the new. Be patient with yourselves! It takes time to get used to completely new energies and the ways that work best for you to navigate them.
- Apr 06 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-30 階段一已經完結
Dear Ones, all living creatures on the planet, including you, are geared towards evolution. There is an innate wisdom within you that will guide you if you take the time to quiet your mind and listen to your inner knowing. You are in unprecedented energies which means you are experiencing them for the first time. You would not send yourself onto a planet to experience this unprepared!
- Apr 05 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-29 你正在經歷的能量轉變
Let us suppose you have inherited a house but it's full of old furniture and features that really aren't your taste. The hard work is sorting it out, deciding what you want to keep, what you want to let go of, and giving everything a deep cleaning. Now that you can see what you are dealing with, you can decide if you have to shore up the foundation or would like to tear down any walls or make any structural changes or upgrades so it can better meet your needs. While you are in renovations it can be uncomfortable and messy. Unknown issues can crop up and you may feel like they will never be done! But ultimately they do come to an end, and once the renovations are complete you get to paint and decorate your house in a way that matches your style and preferences as a true expression of self. You get to experience the joy of having your vision become a reality you get to live in!
- Apr 04 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-28 為釋放和療癒的潛能騰出空間
Releasing can be an intense process, but it can also become a gentle act of energetic refinement after the bulk of the work has been done. If you feel like you are coming to the end of a theme you have been healing, we invite you to try using the following visualization. Get into a meditation and intend to see any energetic remnants of the old gently transform into butterflies that flutter away leaving you light and clear and reborn. Some releasing techniques can feel quite light and joyful! We recommend that you make room for that potential in your releasing and healing practices because there is so much more available to you in the energies you are in than just the heavy work of the past.
- Mar 30 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-23 一切都在幫助你成為你所能成為的一切
You may find the shifting energies somewhat overwhelming at times. We agree, navigating them is no small feat! But what we wish for you to know is there is so much support available for you to ensure your success.
- Mar 29 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-22 自由和擴張是新事物的核心要素
As you consider what you would like to create for yourself moving forward, we suggest you focus on the key elements of freedom and expansion. That is always what the soul is looking for and what brings you the most joy and satisfaction because it honours your evolution.
- Mar 28 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-21 做真實的自己
The 40 days after the equinox, which will bring you to the end of April, is a very potent period for manifestation and creation. What dreams have been waiting patiently for you to give yourself permission to recognize and grow, not just for you but for the highest good of all? What have you always wanted, deep in your heart, but never had the courage to see if it could become a reality for you? Not only is it time to connect with your truest desires that represent the full and authentic expression of who you really are, it is time to anchor so deeply into your faith and trust you give them everything they need to open up for the next incredible chapter of your life. All the work you have been doing has been for the period you are in right now, Dear Ones. The moment is now. We urge you to remember and apply what you know, settle into being your truest you, and allow the unfoldment to lead you from there. It will serve you, and your planet, beautifully.
- Mar 23 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-16 正念的顯化
We have spoken of the importance of staying committed to continued expansion once a desired manifestation takes form. We have also talked of the importance of being aware of what your intention is for manifesting your desire. These two habits will shift you into mindful manifestation, which is an extremely important aspect of working in the new energies, that will support you in moving forward into the next exciting phase of your incarnation and support the shift of consciousness your planet is currently experiencing. All things are being upgraded and that includes your manifestation processes and outcomes. What exciting times you are in!
- Mar 22 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-15 清楚你真正的意圖
It can be wise to explore why you wish to manifest something. If you are trying to bring in an external that you hope will fill you up in some way, you are likely to be disappointed because your fullness and satisfaction must come from within. Thinking you need an external to make you whole will only keep you dissatisfied with your now moment and separated from the wholeness that already exists and is waiting to be discovered within you.
- Mar 21 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-14 實現你的夢想
Let us suppose you have a desire to play the violin. You put that out to the universe who automatically supports you in your desires and starts to put the elements together for you to receive a violin.
- Mar 20 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 16 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-9 顯化是一個開始
When it comes to manifestation you may feel like when your desired creation finally takes form it is the end result. In fact, manifestation is only the first step! It does not stop there. Your creation is an energy that has come into your physical awareness that serves as a starting point for new expansion, experiences, and potentials.
- Mar 15 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-8 成為自己造物的父母
You may think of co-creation as asking the universe for something and then receiving it. Identifying a desire and being ready to receive are certainly components of manifestation but there is so much more to it than that. You continue to cooperate with the process by staying in the flow while using your patience, faith, and trust to hold the space long enough for the required elements to take on form in a way that is both satisfying and sustainable.
- Mar 14 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-7 幕後進行的顯化階段
We understand many of you struggle with the phase of manifestation that occurs behind the scenes. We would like to offer you another analogy to help you understand the importance of that phase.
- Mar 10 Fri 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,