Many people think changing old patterns and habits is a huge task but we would like to give it to you this way. Imagine there is a destination you thought you’d really enjoy visiting, but when you got there the reality of the place wasn't at all what you thought it would be. You ended up feeling very uncomfortable and disappointed. So we ask you, would you keep driving there over and over?
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Mar 09 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-2 讓你的自愛和賦權引領前行
- Mar 08 Wed 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 08 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-3-1 有意識的選擇
Now is an excellent time to ensure you are not bringing old habits or patterns with you into the new. Old unconscious patterns continue to keep you in an unsatisfying loop, while conscious choices will place you on a new path that has the ability to take you where you truly wish to go.
- Mar 07 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-28 讓平凡變得神奇
If you have something you need to do that you may find long or boring, we encourage you to invite the angels to join you in your activity. Not only will it infuse the energy of what you have to do with support and flow, it will put you in a state of alignment that allows you to be far more present. From that shifted state of alignment and presence you will experience time distortion, which will make the task go by much faster. You don't only need to connect with angels for the big things in your lives, Dear Ones, for it is also our joy to join you in day to day tasks and make the mundane magical.
- Mar 02 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-23 明白你被愛著你的宇宙支持著和供應著
Discomfort comes from being too caught up in how you think things should be because it dismisses the beauty and full potential of the now moment. Sometimes you simply can't jump from where you are to where you would like to be because it is too great of a vibrational leap. The now moment will lead you through the series of stepping stones that will ultimately align you with the manifestation of your desire. It is a process that is customized for your success, and one that can be filled with magic if you can shift your focus out of lack and into the full recognition and appreciation of the many ways you are being loved and provided for from a universe that adores you. By doing so you truly make your life wonder full, not just at the end result, but every single step of the way.
- Mar 01 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-22 "接納"是流動的潤滑劑
Dear Ones, judgement is a separating energy while acceptance is a welcoming energy. If you can feel the truth of that statement, you can see that when you are judging the speed of your manifestations, you may actually be holding an energy that keeps them separate from you. If you are in acceptance, both of the now moment and also of the divine orchestration of your dreams that is happening behind the scenes, you give them everything they need to break into your physical reality the quickest way possible. Do you see? Acceptance truly is the grease to your flow and the magic balm of inclusion.
- Feb 28 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-21 發現自己最真實的願望
Your ego self is the part of you that thinks things should happen within a certain time period. It may help to think of your ego self as a little toddler. It wants things now and has little patience for waiting to have its wants met.
- Feb 23 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-16 自愛並不是自私
Your self love practice is not selfish, nor is it a chore. It is a beautiful opportunity for you to place the missing puzzle piece that allows you to be the love and receive the love, which can only deepen and expand your relationship with yourself and with others. Allow yourself to feel the deliciousness of your own love! Not only will it feel absolutely wonderful, it will mark the end of the pain of separation and shift you into experiencing the healing joy of inclusion. Your quest for love completes when you come Home to loving yourself, which opens you up to brand new timelines you didn't even realize existed for you. You’ve simply been waiting for yourself to shine your glorious light on you so you can take things to the next level.
- Feb 22 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-15 正是你自己的愛會療癒你的心
There is a pervasive belief among some people that says,"I shouldn't have to love myself. Love should just come to me because I am a good person."Most people who have this belief are people who didn't get the love they deserved in the past. They are carrying a wound from the lack of love. They feel it is somehow a failure if they have to love themselves because they should have been loved properly by another.
- Feb 21 Tue 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Feb 21 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-14 去愛和接納自己
On this day that celebrates love we hope you will expand your focus to see the love that exists everywhere for you, if only you have the eyes to see. Mother Earth gives you flowers every day. The sun warms and heals you. Your body serves you tirelessly by offering you a vehicle for your soul. Your guides love you, encourage you, and cheer you on through your earthly adventures. Whether you have a partner or not, there is so much love to wrap yourself up in if you can shift your focus from lack to abundance.
- Feb 17 Fri 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Feb 16 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-9 將自己從過去中解脫出來
There is a common saying that says the past is the best predictor of the future. That is true if you are still focused on the past or invested in things staying the same.
- Feb 15 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-8 不要用過去的畫筆來繪畫未來
Now is an ideal time for you to examine how you might be limiting yourself with your beliefs. Many of your beliefs are based on past experiences that were unpleasant so you think the best way to proceed is to avoid that experience completely, rather than being open to having a better, more satisfying experience.
- Feb 14 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-7 休息一下是可以的
Dear Ones, it is okay to be tired. It is okay to pause. It is okay to take a break if you need it. There is wisdom in making that decision. Tending to your needs is self care, and it is essential to keep yourself in balance so you can continue to do all the things that are important to you.
- Feb 09 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-2 神聖組合的運用
The Divine Combination supports your enlightenment process. The core elements of the Divine Combination, surrender, faith, flow, and trust, when combined together, open the door to acceptance. Acceptance opens the door to the experience of peace. It is good to understand how certain elements make the experience of other elements much easier. They all work together as a team.
- Feb 08 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-2-1 探索會帶給你喜悅的事物
Dear Ones, your soul loves expansion. You are on the planet, in a human body, just so you can experience expansion. Because it is your driving force, resisting expansion or growth will result in discomfort.
- Feb 07 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-1-31 你可以採取的行動
Dear Ones, if you find yourselves at a point in your life where you don"t know what to do next, here is a list of activities that are always supported that we highly recommend you prioritize until you find the clarity you are seeking.
- Feb 06 Mon 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-1-30 有付出也有接收才會平衡
It is common for enlightening human beings to have trouble receiving. Many of you have service contracts and naturally feel much more comfortable giving than receiving. Some of you have been taught that receiving takes away from another. Some of you have been conditioned not to expect help because you have come from backgrounds where your needs were not met and that feels normal to you. Others of you may have been told that getting help comes with strings attached or will make people not want to be around you.