Dear Ones, you will only create as far as what you believe is possible.Your belief in wonderful outcomes along with your willingness to receive are what open you up to miracles.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jul 26 Tue 2016 12:37
【大天使加百利】2016-7-25 在擴張和接納的方式中航行
- Jul 25 Mon 2016 12:16
【大天使加百利】2016-7-24 祈禱
If there is an issue that you are struggling with, or see others struggling with, and feel like there is nothing you can do, please know prayer is a powerful tool to use.You see, prayer shows your intention, surrender, and faith.Those three working together are a profound combination.So offer up your prayers, Dear Ones—prayers for your own healing and evolution, prayers for others, and prayers for your beloved planet.Then let your actions match your intentions, and you will be paving the path for outcomes for the highest good of all.
- Jul 25 Mon 2016 12:11
【大天使加百利】2016-7-23 愛之韻律
Dear Ones, love is a flow.Sometimes others will need a little more love and support to get through something.Sometimes you will need a little more love and tenderness, yourself.There is an ebb and flow, a time to give, and a time to receive.Embracing the totality of the rhythm of love creates balance, and nurturing, for all.
- Jul 24 Sun 2016 12:41
【天使的智慧】2016-7-22 期待一個繁榮的生活
Look forward to living a prosperous life
- Jul 23 Sat 2016 14:29
【大天使加百利】2016-7-22 展示、體現你的能量偏好
Dear Ones, you can live your life in response to what energies you are exposed to, or you can choose the energy you wish to lead with on any given day.When you are a bringer of the love, a bringer of the peace, a bringer of the comfort, you are no longer picking up lower vibrating energies, you are transmuting them for the highest good of all, simply by showing up and embodying your energetic preference.
- Jul 23 Sat 2016 14:26
【天使的智慧】2016-7-21 放鬆
Relax and enjoy your life.There is no need to hurry or to make things happen right this very minute.Everything happens in its most perfect timing and while it is important to be working towards creating your intentions, it is a process that will be done when it is done.Just like a cake you bake, it needs to have its time to rise and set.When you rush things along or miss some steps to get to the end, the results are not always as tasty or rewarding as you think because it did not have time to "mature" on its own.
- Jul 22 Fri 2016 12:28
【大天使加百利】2016-7-21 變得敏感
Many of you, as you navigate the shifting energies, bemoan the fact that you have become so sensitive.That sensitivity is a wonderful thing!
- Jul 21 Thu 2016 12:47
【大天使加百利】2016-7-20 超越受害者意識
If you can embrace your divine capability, and recognize, encourage, and support the divine capability of others, you will be in a place that will always grow and expand, accept and allow, serve and uplift, create and thrive.This is the key to evolving beyond victim consciousness once and for all.
- Jul 21 Thu 2016 12:46
【大天使加百利】2016-7-19 "輕視"正浮現以便被釋放和療癒
Dismissiveness is an energetic theme that is coming up for healing at this time for many of you.Being dismissed is being treated with a lack of empathy which leaves one with a feeling of being unimportant, and leaves the door open for abuse and neglect.It exacerbates self esteem issues and original wounds.As each soul is awakening to the discovery of their own divine perfection, dismissiveness will be felt as a particularly painful experience, as it is now coming up for release and healing.It cannot be ignored any longer.
- Jul 21 Thu 2016 12:40
【天使的智慧】2016-7-19 沉思你的情況
Reflect upon your situation
- Jul 20 Wed 2016 13:26
【大天使加百利】2016-7-18 空間和自由
Dear Ones, it is through flow that you create.When you attempt to control anything, it constrains your flow and automatically limits your creation.
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 12:31
【大天使加百利】2016-7-17 聆聽你的感受和內在指引
Everything you have learned has been in preparation for this right Now moment in time.You have the skills, the knowledge, the ability, the inner knowingness, to guide yourselves brilliantly through the tides of change you are going through.Remember what you know, Dear Ones, both on a human and on a soul level.
- Jul 18 Mon 2016 12:55
【大天使加百利】2016-7-16 磨練你的洞察力
Dear Ones, one of the great blessings of the age you are living in is the free flow of information available to you.But the sheer volume of the information you are exposed to can also be a challenge.The gift in all of this is it is allowing you to develop and hone your own discernment.
- Jul 17 Sun 2016 12:18
【大天使加百利】2016-7-15 轉變已經開始
Dear Ones, the shift you are part of has begun as a revolution of one.One human being at a time, choosing love, choosing the light, choosing to express themselves in their truth and divinity.There is great power and momentum as individuals claim their authentic power and express themselves as the changes they wish to anchor and create in the world.
- Jul 16 Sat 2016 13:02
【大天使加百利】2016-7-14 希望
Hope is the beckoning of your soul.
- Jul 16 Sat 2016 13:00
【天使的智慧】2016-7-14 你不孤單
You are not alone
- Jul 15 Fri 2016 12:40
【大天使加百利】2016-7-13 強大的工具
Dear Ones, surrender, faith, flow, trust, gratitude, acceptance, and allowing, are your power tools.They allow you to navigate your life with the guidance of your highest self and your guides and helpers, to your perfect matches and experiences, while giving your valuable feedback to the universe.
- Jul 15 Fri 2016 12:28
【天使的智慧】2016-7-13 準備好
Be Prepared
- Jul 14 Thu 2016 12:45
【大天使加百利】2016-7-12 每日的自我充能與對齊
Dear Ones, if you wish to make positive changes in your life and you hesitate because you think you have to be 100% perfect at it, or devote huge chunks of your time to your practice, please think again.Even incorporating5–10 minutes of some form of self awareness and alignment into your day can start to create some very noticeable shifts.
- Jul 14 Thu 2016 12:41
【天使的智慧】2016-7-12 期待繁榮
Look forward to Prosperity