One of the major changes that are most challenging for enlightening human beings is giving themselves permission to shift from doing to being.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Dec 22 Sat 2018 13:00
【大天使加百利】2018-12-20 從做轉變為存在
- Dec 21 Fri 2018 13:49
【大天使加百利】2018-12-19 是你的意圖和正念使一切變得不同
Many of you find the idea of martyred service appealing because you perceive it as being selfless and thus being devoid of ego. But you can embrace joyful, supported service without fear of falling into ego, as well. It is your intention and mindfulness that makes all the difference. Further, joyful, supported service will inspire others to step into service of their own. You have to trust that you are ready to embody your highest aspects of self, Dear Ones. After all, that is what all the work you have been doing has been for.
- Dec 20 Thu 2018 12:18
【大天使加百利】2018-12-18 你的喜悅和熱情是你擴張與服務的關鍵元素
Many of you have lost interest in activities that used to bring you joy. Some of you are not sure what it is that would bring you joy. Let us reassure you that will change.
- Dec 19 Wed 2018 12:39
【大天使加百利】2018-12-17 地球上最強大的...
There is nothing more powerful on your planet than a gentle, mindful soul leading with love.
- Dec 18 Tue 2018 12:38
【大天使加百利】2018-12-16 展現你的真實自我
Showing your true self, flaws and all, gives other souls the opportunity to practice unconditional love, and you the opportunity to experience it.
- Dec 17 Mon 2018 12:25
【大天使加百利】2018-12-15 選擇愛、付出愛和接收愛
Dear Ones, every single day, every single moment, love is a choice. It is completely available to you to choose whenever you like but you will find that when you nurture your alignment with Source and practice self love it is more natural and easier to be the flow of love for others.
- Dec 16 Sun 2018 12:41
【大天使加百利】2018-12-14 釋放舊能量的練習
What would you be like today if no one had ever said a disparaging thing against you? Feel into that for a moment. How much have those opinions and projections dimmed your light and affected your confidence and self esteem? If you could imagine them not being there, how much more flow would you have in your life?
- Dec 15 Sat 2018 11:59
【大天使加百利】2018-12-13 冬至是做出改變的一個理想時間
Dear Ones, you are in a potent corridor of energy leading up to your solstice. While much of this year has been about reviewing and releasing, these energies are supporting creation and how you would like to express yourself moving forward. With your wisdom we urge you to take advantage of the assistance these energies can offer you. What do you wish to create moving forward? More importantly how do you wish to BE?
- Dec 14 Fri 2018 11:54
【大天使加百利】2018-12-12 展示你的真實自我
Many of you choose to not show your true selves because you fear that others will not like you if they see you in your truth. What you don't realize is that approach actually prevents people from seeing your true beauty. Allowing your truth and authenticity to show, honouring your interests and passions, and letting your loving heart to lead the way, is how your beauty shines brightest because it is unimpeded by filters. And it is how other beautiful souls with similar energetics can find you and celebrate you because those are the ones who can see you for who you really are! The more you accept yourself in your authenticity and allow it to show, the more you give the world the opportunity to see your true beauty and to love you, too, exactly as your are.
- Dec 13 Thu 2018 12:14
【大天使加百利】2018-12-11 不要害怕去體驗你情緒的深度
Do not be afraid to experience the depth of your emotions, Dear Ones, for they are the very things that demonstrate your humanity and your divinity and both aspects of you are equally glorious to behold. It is the combination of it all that makes you so beautifully and uniquely you.
- Dec 12 Wed 2018 12:40
【大天使加百利】2018-12-10 2018年的一個重要主題是-力量
A major theme of 2018 has been power – what it is, what it isn't, and how you can step more fully into it in an empowered and authentic way. As you are wrapping up this profound year of transformation, it is important to become aware of any ways you may be continuing to give your power away. It may be through denying yourself to please others, still playing it small in certain areas or not fully shining your light out of fear, continuing old habits that are disempowering, avoiding sitting with your emotions or addressing healing that needs to be done, or waiting for others to tell you what to do rather than assuming the role of empowered leader of your own life expression.
- Dec 11 Tue 2018 12:07
【大天使加百利】2018-12-9 你可以有愛地指引自己前進
We wish to repost a message we originally shared October 24 today because it is an important one and we wish for as many people as possible to see it.
- Dec 10 Mon 2018 12:02
【大天使加百利】2018-12-8 選擇帶給你喜悅的事物
As you reach the end of 2018 you are poised to enter a new year in an energetic state of clarity like never before. You have purged and shifted much, and that will be reflected in the new timelines you will select as you enter into 2019. These new timelines will focus much on what your preferences are and what brings you joy as a means of self expression.
- Dec 09 Sun 2018 10:17
【大天使加百利】2018-12-7 每天詢問這三個簡單的問題
What does your spiritual self want your human self to know today? What do you need to thrive and flourish? What magic can you create by working together? Just asking these three simple questions on a daily basis creates a firm foundation for self love and empowered forward movement.
- Dec 08 Sat 2018 12:24
【大天使加百利】2018-12-6 跟隨流動就是跟隨愛
Flow is, simply put, Following Love Over Will.
- Dec 07 Fri 2018 11:48
【大天使加百利】2018-12-5 你的專注就是延續的祝福
If you are wishing to draw a straight line, the most important factor is to keep your eye on the target mark. By doing so, all your body's systems will work together to cooperate in reaching that final destination. There is no real thought involved with the motion itself, rather, it is an act of faith and trust that all will come together and do their individual jobs to make it happen. You choose the goal and move into the action of unfoldment to reach it. You might make an adjustment or two on the way, but you will reach your target in a fairly direct fashion.
- Dec 06 Thu 2018 11:42
【大天使加百利】2018-12-4 正確地完成基本步驟,穩步的前進
Today we would like to offer you an analogy that will help you better understand the energies of 2018 into 2019.
- Dec 05 Wed 2018 11:30
【大天使加百利】2018-12-3 2018年是完結和徹底轉變的一年
2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of increasing clarity about what that transformation means for you, which will lead you to the year 2020, the year of perfect vision.
- Dec 04 Tue 2018 11:35
【大天使加百利】2018-12-2 感受、感謝並處於喜悅
It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what brings you joy, particularly if it hasn't been a priority in your life for a long time. If you feel like joy is too big of a vibrational leap for you right now, perhaps you could simply look for ways to incorporate more things that feel light to you, that feel flowy and enjoyable into your life. When you find some, take a moment to have gratitude for them from a place of presence. Just taking that approach would create more ease for you to make those discoveries, and give a clear YES to the universe of what you would like to experience more of as you find what matches you and the energy you hold today. It is, in fact, surrendering into the unfoldment of enjoyment which is how to step your way into finding the joy that is meant for you. Following the path of what is enjoyable is what activates you being in joy able.
- Dec 03 Mon 2018 11:21
【天使】2018-12-1 付出與接收
My dear friends, we love you so very much,