目前分類:天使 (3558)

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We have talked extensively about the endless releasing and clearing enlightening human beings have been experiencing as your earth and her inhabitants continue to shift. At each energetic alignment, you are locking in your energetic progress, as you become lighter and lighter, and embody more of your true essence.

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There is a quiet, peaceful joy that comes from allowing yourself to be the expert on you. It removes you from all doubt and shifts you into knowing what is best for you at all times.

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Why not do one thing today that will make your life a little easier? It need not be a big thing, just something, perhaps that you've been putting off, that will create a bit more ease and flow. This small act will announce loudly that you are intending to create more ease in your life and that you are moving into action to make it so.

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Dear Ones, know that you are blessed in this moment, in your body, exactly as you are. You are revered for being the wonderful aspect of Source you are, and honoured for playing a role as a creator of the New Earth. For your victories, for your disappointments, and everything in between, you are loved beyond measure.

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We understand that while in the body and in the illusion of separation, it can be difficult to understand certain circumstances. Illness, the passing of a loved one, or disaster, just to name a few, can seem so very wrong and unfair. Dear Ones, let us reassure you that there can never be an event in your lifetime that you have not actively participated in the creation of. Your free will is always at the helm, from the planning stages of your incarnation, to this right now moment. It is a complex system of wise and intricate planning to ensure you have the exact experiences you desire. While events may be challenging, they can never, ever be wrong – not for you or for any other human on the planet.

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Many enlightening human beings get drawn into the world of conspiracy theories or watching out for the dark cabal. They feel like it is their job to be hyper vigilant, to be informed, so they can't be fooled.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Continually rescuing another will always lead to resentment. The one you think you are helping will on some level realize you are stunting their growth and resentment will grow. The rescuer will perceive a complete lack of gratitude and feel resentment and often times will feel unappreciated, misunderstood, and victimized.

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Our wish for you is that every human being on the planet will realize their innate power and will begin to live life, not as something you must bear that happens to you, but as a beautiful work of creation.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As enlightening human beings start putting more and more emphasis on their spiritual wellness, they are starting to understand the importance of having sacred space to allow them to stay centred and balanced. Have you created your own sacred environment to support yourself? Are you surrounding yourself with people who lift you up? Do you have a place that supports your efforts to connect with Source? Have you been able to prioritize your spiritual practices

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When you wake up in the morning, instead of fumbling about unconsciously, why not set your intention to surrender to the flow and experience a day filled with wonder? Why not ask your partners in spirit to assist you with whatever might be scheduled for your day? By setting your energetic intent, you set the course of your day. You might consider it getting up on the right side of the bed.

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Single words, by themselves, hold a very distinct energy and can, in turn, be used to very simply adjust your own vibration. Just by pausing, saying a word, and feeling its unique energy, you can enjoy the properties of that particular word.

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Each of you, each and every one of you, has the ability to uplift yourselves, others, and the planet. You get to choose, in each moment, what you wish to emanate. You each have a voice, and you get to choose what words you use with that voice.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is the ego self that leads human beings to place great importance on being right. It is a slippery slope from right to righteous, righteousness to judgement.

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Some people avoid stillness at all costs, treating it like it were the enemy. In reality, it is through stillness that every wonder of the universe can be experienced. In this age of constant distraction, remember stillness is something your soul absolutely requires. Distraction feeds the mind, stillness feeds the soul.

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"No pain, no gain,"is an expression commonly used among human beings. Variations of that sentiment are accepted as truth, with humans believing that somehow struggle is a necessary part of growth. While people DO create crisis for themselves as catalysts for growth, it is often after the person has missed a multitude of subtle bumps and nudges and opportunities that have been presented to them to move into that same growth in an easier fashion.

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While some of you are experiencing accelerated movement in your lives, others may be thinking not much is happening. This always makes us smile as we realize you can only see one part of the intricate dance that your soul is part of. If you are in movement, embrace it as being the visible part of the flow. If you are in what appears to be a holding pattern, embrace it as simply being the non-visible part of the flow. Know that movement is always, always there and the universe is always conspiring to assist you in the most marvellous ways.

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Think of one thing you can do today that will be a luxurious expression of self love, whether it be quiet time to curl up with a book, a hot bath, meditation, a walk outside – whatever would bring you pleasure and peace. In order to keep your balance in such rapidly shifting times, it is so important to be in touch with your needs and to honour them.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If someone was to hold up a large black tarp over your head that blocked out the sun, you would sit in darkness knowing the sun was there but with little experience of it.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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