目前分類:天使 (3543)

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Most of you have been raised in a critical world where you have been judged and corrected most of your lives.Your parents and your teachers thought they were doing well by pointing out what you were doing wrong,but in many cases this approach was out of balance and didn't focus equally on everything that you were doing beautifully.If nothing was said you were doing ok,so you have become used to your only feedback being negative feedback.

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Your beliefs are what is true for you.They are how you create and evolve.

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How much separation you choose between you and others can be indicative of a need for healing.For many of you distance equals safety.There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness.There is a difference between solitude and isolation.

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My dear friends,we love you so very much,

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As enlightening human beings you are always seeking expansion.What we want you to understand is that expansion doesn't only occur during active phases.There is always expansion happening, it is either internal or external.So another very valuable question to ask yourself is,"How can I honour my expansion in whatever way is currently being energetically supported?"

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You are not wrong, or bad, or broken.You are magnificent beings who are in the process of both personal embodiment and assisting an ascending planet.You are in the throes of profound transformation on many levels and are handling it in ways that continue to amaze us every single day.We understand that you can't  see things from our perspective, but we urge you to release your self doubt and negative self talk for they serve no purpose, and shift into grace and love for yourselves because you are doing far greater things than you realize.These are the times you hoped with all your heart you would get to experience and now you are and you are doing an outstanding job!

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Dear Ones, you might think it is wise to brace yourself for something that you think might be challenging, but bracing is choosing to proceed with resistance.The key to moving forward with the most comfort possible is to work with the elements of surrender and flow.So if you have something to face that you feel you need to brace yourself for, whether it be experiencing intense energies or something more personal on your journey, honour that initial response and then release it.Surrender into your guidance system and allow your team of helpers(which always includes your highest self) to assist you through your process.That combined with your trust in your own divine capability will help move through it with the utmost grace and ease.

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Power continues to be a theme that is up for both review and transformation.You are being exposed to so many examples of power.You might think of the universe holding each one up in front of you asking,"Is this it? How about this?" until you find the version that feels good and right to you.

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Dear Ones, many of your core wounds have to do with feeling separate, unsupported, or unsafe.May we offer this lovely and powerful phrase to you today to help you heal beyond those old issues:

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My dear friends,we love you so very much,

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You all have a natural speed or pace for your growth that is ideal for you.You may have times of greater movement or experience lulls, but you all have your own natural flow that you settle back into as your norm and it is perfect for you.

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Many human beings have been denying or resisting their own truth for years.Your self presence creates the space for you to get to know yourself again.

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Have you ever noticed how so many people think love is a limited commodity, but you never feel that way about kindness? You may also think love is hard, difficult to find, is a lot of work, and any other of the many limited beliefs humans have developed about their experiences with love, but you never feel that way about kindness.

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Many of you have had periods of solitude, but have you truly been present with yourselves?

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You might be surprised when we tell you that one of the things you yearn for the most is your own presence.Your self presence is a key pillar of your self love process.When was the last time you made space to simply be with yourself? Can you make the sacred commitment to start to do that?

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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As we close out this week's series of messages on boundaries, we would like to discuss how to know someone has changed enough to let them back into closer proximity to you.

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We realize that adjusting boundaries can seem daunting, especially if they've been in an unhealthy pattern for a long time.But healthy boundaries are essential for helping you, and everyone around you, meet their highest potentials.That is exactly why they are coming up for reexamination for so many of you.

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