My dear friends, we love you so very much,
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Apr 30 Sat 2022 00:00
- Apr 29 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-22 改變的七個階段
As we close out this week's series of messages on boundaries, we would like to discuss how to know someone has changed enough to let them back into closer proximity to you.
- Apr 28 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-21 界線的存在是為了支持每個涉及之人
We realize that adjusting boundaries can seem daunting, especially if they've been in an unhealthy pattern for a long time.But healthy boundaries are essential for helping you, and everyone around you, meet their highest potentials.That is exactly why they are coming up for reexamination for so many of you.
- Apr 27 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-20 擁有界線同時成為整體的一部分
As we continue our series on boundaries this week, we would like to offer you an analogy that should make it very easy to understand the varying connection points of boundaries.
- Apr 26 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-19 用你的智慧找到與他人的連接點
Your boundaries can be malleable without making you weak, inconsistent, or vulnerable if you are making them in a per case basis with the criteria that your connection point is a place that is safe and empowering for everyone involved.
- Apr 25 Mon 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-18 界線
As you evolve, your boundaries evolve, too.When you are at the beginning of your evolutionary journey, you may be living such a base existence that you are only interested in what you can get from others.You seek to fill yourself up from externals because you think that is the only way you can assure your own survival.Eventually you realize you cannot thrive by only breathing in.
- Apr 24 Sun 2022 00:00
- Apr 23 Sat 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-15 增強和引導自身流動的方式
Gratitude is the acknowledgment that the universe is working for you.It is through that acceptance you can start to experience even deeper faith and trust, and feel just how loved and guided you truly are.Do you see? Gratitude is the resounding yes that leads to many more wondrous things to say yes to, and that is exactly how you enhance and direct your flow.
- Apr 22 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-14 什麼是真正的輕盈?
In a continuation of our discussion yesterday about the distrust of ease, we would like to point out that easy doesn't mean you've taken shortcuts or done shoddy work.Rushing through something with a lack of integrity or care is not truly easy because it will come with more work or repercussions down the road.
- Apr 21 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-13 信任輕盈
Do you distrust ease? We would like to discuss this very common trait.
- Apr 20 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-12 支持總是存在
- Apr 19 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-11 你是整體系統的一部分
We speak often of how lulls and action phases create balance.A lull creates space for release, healing, and integration.An action phase creates outward progress.But did you know that they provide balance between you and the planet, as well?
- Apr 18 Mon 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-8 如何知曉自己有著侷限?
You can't move into the fullest expression of you in the new energies if you are still hauling old limitations around with you.So how do you know you have limitations? By paying conscious attention to the reasons you tell yourself why you can't have the life you deserve.
- Apr 18 Mon 2022 00:00
- Apr 17 Sun 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-7 始終如一的微小善舉
So many of you feel like you aren't important enough to make a difference.We are here to tell you otherwise!
- Apr 16 Sat 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-6 友善就是行動中的愛
Some of you still find loving yourselves very difficult or unnatural.You might think self love means making yourself more important than others, or perhaps will make you fall into ego.Maybe you are more comfortable giving than receiving, so self love feels unnatural to you.
- Apr 15 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-5 你願意去探索自己的可能性嗎?
Most human beings have adopted self imposed limitations that restrict their experiences and progress.Most of these have been accepted as truth long before you have evolved into the person you are today.
- Apr 14 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-4 檢查你的信念系統
Dear Ones, there are certain myths that we would love to see you release from your personal belief systems.Some of these would be the idea that you could ever do anything to lose our love and support, that you are born a sinner, that you are unworthy, that you need to continually sacrifice yourself in order to be worthy or pious, just to name a few.
- Apr 10 Sun 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-4-1 你所尋求的藥膏…
Many of you carry wounds of abandonment or being shunned from other life expressions.This is an exceedingly common theme for enlightening human beings, and one that is up for healing as you continue to move forward into unity consciousness.