You are in creation and expansion and honing your preferences when you are consciously looking for things to say yes to.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Nov 04 Wed 2020 12:31
【大天使加百利】2020-10-27 有意識地尋找對的事物
- Oct 27 Tue 2020 14:17
【大天使加百利】2020-10-26 前進的道路
Your beingness is not how you find the path forward, it is the path forward.
- Oct 27 Tue 2020 14:17
【大天使加百利】2020-10-25 從救助者轉變為鼓勵者
It can feel challenging to shift from being a perpetual rescuer to being an encourager but it is an important one to make because the latter empowers everyone involved.You should absolutely step in if someone is in crisis and needs assistance to stabilize, but the goal should always be to help the person find their own balance and the courage to discover and trust in their own divine capability.If you are always jumping in to take on what another can do for themselves, the underlying message is that you do not think they are qualified to run their own life, and that is a very disempowering message,indeed.
- Oct 27 Tue 2020 14:16
【大天使加百利】2020-10-24 擴大自己的網絡去發現已知領域外的可能性
Dear Ones, the key to navigating past the chaos that is playing out in your world is being willing to cast your net wider to discover what possibilities exist just beyond what you can see and then allowing your beingness to lead the way.That is exactly how you make better aligned discoveries and create connection points into the new.
- Oct 27 Tue 2020 14:12
【大天使加百利】2020-10-23 接納自己的所有面向
We would like to offer you a healing technique to welcome back any aspects of self that are looking for reintegration.
- Oct 26 Mon 2020 16:26
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Oct 23 Fri 2020 15:22
【大天使加百利】2020-10-22 享受創造過程所帶來的樂趣
When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the5A's:
- Oct 23 Fri 2020 15:21
【大天使加百利】2020-10-19 讓你存在之溫柔而充滿愛的光輝來引領
You are divine creationists pioneering the way forward by allowing the gentle and loving luminosity of your beingness to lead the way.
- Oct 23 Fri 2020 15:17
【大天使加百利】2020-10-18 探索是你進化過程的一部分
If you are finding yourself at a point of stagnation or despair over a certain issue in your life, it is important to not fall into a belief that it can never change or that there is no solution.This will keep the door closed to the possibility of forward movement.The truth is your challenges occur for you to gain mastery over certain areas of your life.Therefore, a solution must exist.
- Oct 21 Wed 2020 14:47
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Oct 15 Thu 2020 13:13
【大天使加百利】2020-10-13 你正處於偉大轉變的風口浪尖上
We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the new earth you wish to create and experience.
- Oct 15 Thu 2020 12:54
【大天使加百利】2020-10-12 優先考慮你的靈性修行
What resets you? What activity helps you move back into balance and remember what you know? What allows you to settle into your beingness and navigate from there? What keeps you in your heart, in your surrender, faith, flow, and trust?
- Oct 15 Thu 2020 12:52
【大天使加百利】2020-10-11 臣服不是放棄
The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up.It is an incredibly empowered act that fully utilizes the assistance that is available to you.What can you hand over today to be resolved by your loving angels, guides, and helpers? If you pay close attention to your energetics, you will feel a sense of relief the moment you do so.We hope you will hold the space of faith and trust long enough to be led to the solutions you haven't been able to find for yourself but you know in your heart must exist.It brings us the greatest joy when you allow us to serve you and we are always only a heartfelt request away.
- Oct 15 Thu 2020 12:51
【大天使加百利】2020-10-10 把公平擴大到自己
If there is one thing empaths are very good at, it is identifying what is fair.We invite you to extend that fairness to yourselves, to include yourselves in the flow of love and support that you can so naturally identify as right and needed for others.Unity consciousness is designed to include everyone, even those with service contracts who find it much easier to give than to receive.
- Oct 11 Sun 2020 16:35
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Oct 10 Sat 2020 13:30
【大天使加百利】2020-10-9 創造一個會穩定整體的能量錨點
Dear Ones, every time you can stop and breathe into your presence you create an anchor point of energy that is stabilizing to the whole.
- Oct 10 Sat 2020 13:27
【大天使加百利】2020-10-8 通過臣服和流動來引領你的存在
Leading with your beingness—your true core essence—through surrender and flow is exactly how you align with your perfect matches without the need to micro-manage and plan.
- Oct 10 Sat 2020 13:26
【大天使加百利】2020-10-7 你正處於加速改變的時期
It is very difficult to plan during times of accelerated change.The reason for that is what feels like an energetic match to you now may not be a match at all by the time it arrives for the energies may very well have shifted by then.You are in a time of flux.Do not allow this to frustrate you, but rather see it as proof positive of the time of profound change you are experiencing.
- Oct 10 Sat 2020 13:22
【大天使加百利】2020-10-6 未知
You make room for miracles when you've exhausted all the options you are already aware of.When you just don't know how to proceed you naturally open to expansion and exploration.One of the most common themes of 2020 is being in a space of not knowing.What we wish for you to understand is the not knowing will ultimately offer you the opportunity for miraculous change.