Allowing your beingness to lead the way is shifting your confidence out of the mind and into the heart.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jan 11 Fri 2019 12:32
【大天使加百利】2019-1-9 從頭腦轉變到心靈
- Jan 10 Thu 2019 12:18
【大天使加百利】2019-1-8 每一次深刻的能量轉變都會支持你的擴張
Dear Ones, comfort is your natural state of being. You came from the energies of Home through the womb, both of which are places that support your comfort and well being. As babies, you expect comfort and will cry to have your needs met and to move back into that natural state of being.
- Jan 09 Wed 2019 09:31
【大天使加百利】2019-1-7 你的揚升症狀證明了轉變正在發生
After such a prolonged period of review, release, integration, and transformation, it can be easy to fall into a weariness of ascension symptoms. We understand why this occurs but we wish to expand your perception of the ascension process.
- Jan 09 Wed 2019 09:30
【大天使加百利】2019-1-6 2019年將充滿許多自我發現和對新潛力的認識
As you move further into the energies of 2019, many of you will make discoveries of subtle yet profound change. You may be surprised to recognize that healing has occurred or is occurring in areas of your life that felt very stuck for a long time. Because comfort is your natural state of being, sometimes it takes you a while to realize that an old familiar pain hasn't reared up in a while, or that an old issue isn't as charged as it used to be. This is the natural progression of the work you have done, the fact that you are stepping into the next new phase of your incarnation, and the more forward moving energies of the new year. 2019 will be filled with many discoveries of self and the awareness of new potentials due to those internal shifts.
- Jan 07 Mon 2019 11:57
【天使】2019-1-5 真正的解決方案
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jan 07 Mon 2019 11:52
【大天使加百利】2019-1-5 認識到你現在所能掌握精通的方式
Dear Ones, during such changing times when so many are at different stages of their journey, we ask you, as the front runners and pioneers, to choose kindness, compassion, and graciousness towards others who may be triggered and acting out. You are ready to hold the space of understanding because you have had those moments yourself, and have appreciated when others have had patience and forgiveness for you.
- Jan 06 Sun 2019 10:40
【大天使加百利】2019-1-4 2019是"衝動"的一年
Initiates focus and talk about what they want to be. Actuates shift into the embodiment of that desire. 2019 is a year of actuation meaning that you will give yourself permission to be and to navigate through that beingness. This is an absolute game changer in terms of what you will create because for the first time ever you will allow yourself to follow your own heart and your own energetics. This will allow you to experience a life that continues to expand and match your ever unfolding truth. This is what will settle in and start to create the deep satisfaction so many of you have been missing.
- Jan 05 Sat 2019 11:53
【大天使加百利】2019-1-3 靈魂覺醒的過程對你的人際關係來說意味著什麼
Shelley's note:Today's message came back into my awareness thanks to Miranda Sparks-Nieves sharing it on facebook. I have no idea the date we originally posted it, but I think it answers a question many of us ponder on our journey, and it felt very pertinent to the energies today. Sometimes Gabriel's messages seem to have a life of their own and seem to pop up in the perfect timing.:)
- Jan 04 Fri 2019 11:33
【大天使加百利】2019-1-2 看見體驗的價值
We urge you this year to shift from the concepts of good or bad, right or wrong, into simply seeing the value of experience. What would that do for you? It would instantly release you from the chains of judgment (both for yourself and for others) into the grace and ease of honouring the process that allows you to discover your preferences and expand more into the knowingness of who you truly are.
- Jan 03 Thu 2019 12:03
【大天使加百利】2019-1-1 2019年的主題之一是專注於你的驅動力
Happy New Year! We urge you to be kind and gentle with yourselves as you acclimatize yourselves to the energies of 2019. It is a marked shift from the energies of 2018. A gentle feeling out of the energies without expectation is recommended. It is common for enlightening human beings to take until the first equinox of a year to truly get a feel for the traits of a new year.
- Jan 02 Wed 2019 12:06
【大天使加百利】2018-12-31 你將會比以往任何時候都更敢於夢想
We would like to congratulate you on the tremendous amount of shifting you have accomplished this past year. As you are poised to step into 2019 our wish for you is that you will have not just love but also have compassion for yourselves. That you will replace self doubt with self trust. That you will see your experiences as having the real value over results. That you will allow us to fully support you with the surrender, faith, flow, trust navigation system that is the Divine Combination. And perhaps most important of all, that you will dream bigger than ever before and find the joy that comes from playing in the energies that are beyond what you can see to co-create with a universe that adores you. Your time is now, Dear Ones. Embrace it and shine!
- Jan 01 Tue 2019 12:05
【大天使加百利】2018-12-30 在這新的一年裡你想要體驗或成就些什麼?
Many of you, especially after a particularly challenging year, will approach the new year with trepidation, hoping that the new year will be better, that it will be kinder to you. We understand where this comes from but there is a an energy of powerlessness pervading that approach. It suggests that you have no control over what occurs.
- Dec 31 Mon 2018 11:23
【天使】2018-12-29 新年快樂
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Dec 31 Mon 2018 10:48
【大天使加百利】2018-12-29 接納愛就是接納你自己
Dear Ones, when we say you are loved beyond measure, do you accept it or do you dismiss it? So many of you hold yourselves outside of the stream of love. You are deeply loved, in fact, you are a beloved aspect of Source energy, which is love. Accepting love is accepting yourself.
- Dec 30 Sun 2018 13:25
【大天使加百利】2018-12-28 處於一個更平靜、更連接的空間
It is fitting that this year of review and transformation has ended with many of you spending time with family, for there is no other group that can bring up any old issues and conditioning that may still need attention as well as they can. Now that you've had a chance to get back into your own energy and catch your breath, what did the holidays clarify for you? What did you do very well? What would you like to improve? What new intentions can you create moving forward? How can you approach old patterns in new ways?
- Dec 28 Fri 2018 13:04
【大天使加百利】2018-12-26 最困難的人際關係通常是你人生功課的最大指標
We understand that for many of you spending time with family can be challenging. These are the people you have soul agreements with, who agreed prior to your incarnation to help you with what you wish to experience and master during this lifetime. They are the great activators of your chosen path. They may support you by encouraging you in that direction, or they may facilitate your growth by being examples of what you do not wish to be. Certain people may be triggering, especially when you have been working on your growth and expansion and they have not yet been ready to step onto their own path and can't see you in your energetic truth.
- Dec 27 Thu 2018 15:07
【大天使加百利】2018-12-25 擁抱季節期間高振動能量的湧入
We wish for you to give yourselves the opportunity today, even if it is just for a moment, to acknowledge and embrace the influx of higher vibrational energies that always occurs during your holiday season. These energies are in response to the focus of love, connection, beauty, and giving that is prevalent during this time, supporting you in the desire to experience those elements even more the whole year through. We wish you peaceful and joyful hearts on this most sacred day of celebration and the knowing that you are loved beyond measure and treasured for all that you are and all that you do.
- Dec 26 Wed 2018 12:30
【大天使加百利】2018-12-24 給予自己理解和寬恕
Dear Ones, if you can accept that your growth is your service, and that what you consider to be your mistakes lead to your growth, it would stand to reason then that your mistakes serve both you and the whole, as well. The fact that you have had an experience and now know that if you had it to do again you would choose differently indicates expansion, growth, and greater maturity. That has shifted energy in a way that serves not just you in your greater knowingness of self, but also others who can learn from your experience. You have also anchored the energy of the ability to evolve beyond the original action.
- Dec 25 Tue 2018 11:45
【大天使加百利】2018-12-23 你的成長就是你的服務
Dear Ones, allow this truth to settle into your heart. Your growth is your service. There is nothing more impactful you can do than to continue your own expansion and enlightenment for it serves both you and the whole so beautifully. That is how you are the change, how you walk your talk, how you are the beautiful teachers by example, how you embody the light, how you are the brave and glorious pioneers of the new. You are driving the shift with every discovery you make, every release, every integration, every act of love. Never underestimate the amazing job you are doing, for you are at the heart of it all.
- Dec 23 Sun 2018 11:33
【大天使加百利】2018-12-21 慶祝這個關鍵的轉變之年所完成的一切
We wish to commend you for all you have done during this pivotal and transformational year. Your consistency, your courage, your humour, your willingness to go deeper than ever before, has created profound change, and your solstice is locking in that change. On top of that, you will experience an influx of light – cleansing, supportive light on this day, another on December 22, and again throughout your holiday season, topping up your light, if you will, before you step into the brand new year of 2019. Wherever you are in the world, whether you are experiencing the end of the darkest night and the return to the light, or enjoying the day of most light, we urge you to simply open up and receive the light as the cleansing, supportive balm it is. We also encourage you, as you allow the light to envelop you, to celebrate your own brilliant, shining light as an essential part of the entire enlightenment process, for without you it would not happen. You are loved and celebrated more than you could ever know, this day and always.