Within you exists an untapped potential and an infinite number of Universes awaiting exploration.What are you waiting for?
- Feb 20 Mon 2017 12:08
【造物主】2017-2-5 無數
- Feb 20 Mon 2017 12:02
- Feb 18 Sat 2017 17:03
【柯博拉】2017-2-16 讓它發生!乙太層解放冥想(2/26 22:55)
- Feb 18 Sat 2017 17:01
【大天使加百利】2017-2-17 接納
Dear Ones, acceptance, which is beautiful by product of faith and trust and the supporter of patience and peace, is the key to living life in the higher dimensions, for it nurtures and supports, honours and allows, and creates the safe space for you to discover your highest expression of self.It is at the core of unconditional love, and unity consciousness.It is through the energies of acceptance that you will finally fall madly in love with yourselves, as well, discovering your own divine essence, which will move you into the joy of being.Acceptance, simply put, is the essence of the energies of Home, and what you yearn for as you seek to heal the pain of judgment and separation once and for all.
- Feb 18 Sat 2017 16:55
【造物主】2017-2-4 躍入生命的長流
Let go of all of your worries and fears and jump into the flow.The Universe has always trusted you; now trust that The Universe will take you where you need to go.
- Feb 18 Sat 2017 16:53
【造物主】2017-2-3 照護
On this day of new beginnings and awakenings,nurture and care for yourself as you would a child.You are loved.
- Feb 18 Sat 2017 16:45
- Feb 17 Fri 2017 12:17
- Feb 17 Fri 2017 12:02
- Feb 17 Fri 2017 11:51
- Feb 17 Fri 2017 11:49
【造物主】2017-2-2 協助
Seek that soft,quiet place within.The Universe is there,waiting to comfort,aid and assist you on your journey.
- Feb 17 Fri 2017 11:48
【造物主】2017-2-1 隱藏的力量
Right now,it may feel as if everything in your existence is turbulence and tribulations. Everything you thought and felt was right and safe is suddenly being called into question. Remember,dearest one,that change is inevitable and necessary for further growth.Strengths will be revealed to you…ones you never knew you had will come to the forefront to be used for the greater good.Do not ignore the signs,embrace them.