Dear Ones, so many of you are afraid of change.Yet your heartfelt manifestations can only come to you through change.So you are wanting change, yet blocking it at the same time by seeking to remain the same.No wonder so many of you are feeling discomfort!

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Being beset on all sides by negativity is not a pleasant experience.With each way you turn, you may feel attacked and assaulted, both mentally and physically.Such is the way with those that carry great amounts of light.What to do? Breathe, smile, nod if you must and keep bringing in and shining out more light.Those that come to you this way are in need of deep healing and their"attacks"are merely attempts to gain said healing. You are loved, protected and very capable of doing this.The Universe made sure of it.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dratzo! Events are moving forward.The top of the RV payout is now in place.This means that the deliveries of the prosperity funds are very close to actually occurring.We expect this process ultimately to lead to the formal announcement of NESARA and the new American Republic.This series of operations is to follow in a set sequence, and a number of joint legal decisions are to ensure that it is quickly and efficiently carried out.Thus, we anticipate that numerous actions are to follow one another so this new reality can be properly manifested.

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The enlightenment process really is a process of coming Home to yourself.It is about acknowledging your own divinity, your own innate wisdom, your own beingness, your own belonging as an incredibly valuable and beloved part of the greater whole.As you are peeling back the layers of self denial through your releasing process, you are discovering this more and more, and the entire universe is assisting you in this process.

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You are a part of The Universal Dance, the ebb and flow of energy, your souls singing as one.Your participation is desired.Allow your music to play and join in the movement.

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部分研究顯示,大城市居民罹患焦慮症的風險,比其他地區高了21%。罹患情緒障礙的機率,也比住在鄉村的人口高了39%。聯合國預測,2050年以前,全球將有66%人口住在大城市,因此現在就該關注大城市對人類心理健康的影響。全歐最大的大學附設醫療院所Charite醫院專門研究壓力的阿德利(Mazda Adli)醫師指出,「住在城市裡,會影響我們大腦應對壓力的方式。」

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Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain

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