親愛的朋友們, 我是蓋婭。我與你們在一起;在你們的身體中,你們身體的每一個細胞,你們的每一次呼吸,你們血液的流動中;在你們穩踏大地的雙腳中。你們也能夠感受到我的存在。我滿心喜悅地問候你們,將你們輕擁入懷,並讓你們知道,你們在這裡,在地球上是安全的。

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Water the seeds of the dreams of others with love and encouragement,and you just may give them exactly what they need to grow into their next grand expression of self.It is amazing how a little expressed faith in another can help someone have the courage to shine in their truth like never before.All of you bright and glorious souls who are waking up and starting to flower and display your own unique colours,are creating the most breathtaking bouquet on your planet that is an absolute delight to behold.So bloom,and bloom,and bloom again,Dear Ones,and continue to bless the world with your beauty.

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Be fearless in your pursuit of happiness and the fulfillment of your dreams and goals.Gratitude is a powerful force to be reckoned with.Use it to fuel your ambitions.Plan your next steps with an eye to the long term and hold steadfast the belief that there are more good things to come!

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When you look in the mirror,what do you see? You may see your imperfections; wrinkles,a bit of extra weight or,perhaps an unhappy or unsatisfied person.

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I come to you today to discuss the recent energy shifts and what is coming in the near future.You are in an amazing time of rebirth and every man,woman and child is being given the opportunity to move beyond all that has held them in place.Since the galactic alignment codes have been coming into earth that are helping you to enact deep changes within all of your being.Your physical being is becoming more crystalline so that you are able to be the light.This is accomplished slowly because as you are accepting more light into your form,you are simultaneously clearing density.

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Dear Ones,love is not a finite resource.It only feels that way if you mistakenly believe you are separate from Source.Once you understand that the idea of such separation is illusion,you can step back into the stream of love that has always been there for you as your birthright.Allow that love,that glorious,brilliant,unconditional love,to saturate you so completely,so consistently,so abundantly,that you simply cannot help sharing it with everyone.Let love be like the air that you breathe,a natural flow of sustenance that benefits all,and you will be fully harnessing the incredible resource that has been available to you,and waiting for you,all along.

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Open your Heart Centre

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The winds of change are blowing,my dearest child. It will not always be struggle and tribulation,but it can be if that is what you choose. It is important to remember to "keep your wits about you"and breathe. When moving from one level to another,take your time…rest when you need to…and know The Universe is by your side.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

葉酸的存在有兩種形式,一種是天然的維生素(Folate),稱作B9;一種是1940年代早期於實驗室中合成而來的物質(Folic Acid)。差別在哪裡呢?

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Many of you are confused about how to implement self love into your lives.It is quite simple.Give yourself the same loving care and consideration you so willingly give others.

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Your thoughts influence your world

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