Once there is a certain degree of Presence,of still and alert attention in human beings"perceptions,they can sense the divine life essence,the one indwelling consciousness or spirit in every creature,every life-form,recognize it as one with their own essence and so love it as themselves.Until this happens,however,most humans see only the outer forms,unaware of the inner essence,just as they are unaware of their own essence and identify only with their own physical and psychological form.

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You are on the planet to be you,to express and experience your delightful you-ness in whatever ways feel best to you.Others are on the planet to do the very same thing.Simply being you in your purest expression of self is success.Encouraging others to be their own purest expression of self is supporting their success.If you were able to see success as just that,you would move out of the energies of right or wrong,should or shouldn"t,good or bad.You would shift out of judging,and fearing being judged,and into acceptance for others and yourself.You would finally give yourself permission to shine and thrive like never before.

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Heed the Call

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30年前柯特‧格裡芬(Curt Griffing)被診斷出患有類風濕性關節炎,這是一種由自體免疫障礙引致的慢性漸進性炎症,會造成關節變形,甚至因關節痛楚及磨損而失去部份的活動能力;儘管被醫生告知必須學會與此病共處,格裡芬決定不接受止痛藥與關節置換手術的建議。

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巴西塞阿拉聯邦大學(Federal University of Ceara)研究人員發表於《PLOS ONE》期刊上的報告指出,有機番茄不僅化學殘留物較少、香甜美味,而且營養價值更高。研究人員相信,這是因為有機作物的生長過程中沒有化學肥料或農藥的「干預」,反而能自然生出更多具防禦性的抗氧化物,食用者便可以獲得更多的健康益處。

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Dear Ones,if you could start to view things in your world as being in resonance with you or not,rather than being right or wrong,you would save the tremendous amount of time you spend second guessing yourselves or attempting to force things to work or change.You are vibrational beings.Some vibrations will harmonize with you,others will not.As you continue to shift and evolve,what is in resonance with you may also change.You do not need to concern yourselves with what worked well with you before or what may match you in the future.You can seamlessly navigate your lives with far greater ease if you simply choose the energies that feel best to you in each Now moment.Do you see? Choosing what best resonates with you,rather than pushing against what does not,is the way to a harmonious existence.

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Celebrate your Uniqueness

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Your Song

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