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The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the"Biden presidency"is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree.The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source.However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and"foreign enemies,"in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.

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The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family. Following the exit of Donald Trump, there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden's fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie. That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power, multiple secret society sources say.

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The source of the ongoing dystopia in the West has been traced to the Bank for International Sins in Basle, Switzerland.  This Nazi Khazarian Mafia institution has been murdering European Royals and others while simultaneously trying to bribe the Asian Dragon families into cooperation, according to NSA and Asian Secret Society sources.  These are the criminals behind the fake Joe Biden presidency and the probable murder of Queen Elizabeth II, the sources say.

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The hunt is now zeroing in on Khazarian mob leaders such as members of the Habsburg family and their henchmen like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, Mossad, and other sources say.

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The U.S.administration learned an important lesson in real politics last week when it tried to get justice for murdered Jamal Khashoggi. What became obvious is that Western power is essentially a mendacracy or liarcracy; rule by liars. That means that if you believe the reality as described by the corporate media, you understand next to nothing.

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The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati's demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate them, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.

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The city of Jerusalem will be"utterly obliterated," unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source. The destruction of that city is needed to"put an end to messianic delusions" held by religious fanatics including U.S.President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.

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It's over folks,the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished.Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes,confirm that nobody is in the White House.The corrupt members of Congress and the Senate dare not show their faces in Washington DC,knowing they could be arrested if they do so.

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Over the next week,one of several timelines will determine the future of humanity.One is the fraudulent installment of Joe Biden as President followed by the USsurrender to Communist C*a.The second is the re-election of Donald Trump as president of the bankrupt USCorporation,which may happen following an interim military government,publicly viewed election fraud investigation,and eventually what Trump described as"a smooth transition'to the new Republic.This could involve an escalating trade and cyberwar with China,to the detriment of Planet Earth.

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The events of the past week,and the coming weeks,will go down in history as one of the biggest,if not THE biggest,revolutions in history.We are not talking just about the fall of the United States of America Corporation.We are talking about the end to a system of slavery that has continued for thousands of years.

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The coming week is expected to be historic as opposing forces will have a showdown in Washington DC on January 6th. The outcome will determine the survival of the Constitutional Republic with Donald Trump finding his place in history as one of its great heroes. It may also signal the start of the endgame that will ultimately make him the last president of the United States Corporation.

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A massive offensive aimed at finishing off the Swiss-based Octagon group and putting an end to their Nazi fourth Reich has begun. The executives of pharmaceutical companies, the heads of medical associations, and other people associated with the Covid-19 terror and vaccine campaign are high priority targets. The Swiss will be asked to hand over all Octagon group leaders or face complete destruction of their country according to Gnostic Illuminati sources.

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This report is coming out on December 21st, the day of the winter solstice. Also today we will be seeing a Christmas star in the form of Jupiter and Saturn appearing as one planet.For this reason, we will step back this week and look at the big picture.The important thing to realize is we are talking about the dawn of a new age.

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The Western world is facing its greatest crisis,possibly ever,as its ruling elite has surrendered to China.Either the West removes this elite from power and creates a united front or Westerners will become Chinese slaves working under Khazarian Mafia sub-contractors.It is this battle involving the Chinese and the West that is the real reason why the U.S.Presidential election result remains in limbo.

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December 2020 will be remembered as when the tide of history decisively turned and an ancient evil force suffered defeat. The White Hats are winning the secret war for the Planet Earth and the liberation of humanity is an imminent certainty.

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Events are coming to a head in the United States and worldwide as information warfare morphs into kinetic warfare, Pentagon, MI6, and FSB sources agree. The U.S.military and intelligence agencies are now rallying around President Donald Trump because the citizens of the United States legally elected him, Pentagon sources confirm.

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While the U.S.remains locked in a power struggle; a game-changing opportunity is presenting itself in Japan. On Thursday, November 26th Doctor Ryuichi Morishita will be publicly promoting a vaccine that alters human DNA to cure the provably non-existent"Covid 19," virus. Morishita reports to senior Khazarian Mafia agent and former Goldman Sachs employee David Atkinson. Atkinson seems to think he runs Japan on behalf of his Rockefeller and Rothschild masters.

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