目前分類:天使 (3566)

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Breathe, Dear Ones, breathe.When you focus upon your breathing, you not only connect with your body, you also connect with the natural universal rhythm of ebb and flow.It moves you into alignment with both giving and receiving, expanding and releasing.and the overall system of balance that you are a part of.

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Instead of being frustrated by what isn't being supported, we highly recommend you embrace your phase and explore what you can do right now.Most people find the lull phase more challenging than the action phase.So we invite you to ask yourself, what did you wish you had more time for when you were very busy? You were yearning for a chance to do those things.If the energies are supporting those activities now, we encourage you to take advantage of those opportunities!

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Dear Ones, we speak of it often, but we wish to remind you that you are part of a larger overall system of ebb and flow.As you continue through your own embodiment process, there will be times for expansive forward movement and other times that are for rest, rejuvenation, and integration.No phase is wrong.Each is necessary and supports the other.

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We understand it can be frustrating for you when you are in accelerated or intense energies.It can be difficult to get your bearings! While you might be tempted to think that none of your truest desires or manifestations will come to fruition because everything keeps changing, we offer you this perspective.

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My dear friends,we love you so very much,

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We spoke yesterday of the rite of passage that humans go through as they step into the role of elder.Today we would like to share that many of you are going through a similar spiritual rite of passage as find yourselves stepping up and into the role of spiritual elder.

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As humans you recognize many rites of passage along the way,all marking some form of expansion and stepping into a new version of you,such as learning a new skill,graduating school,getting married,and becoming a parent,just to name a few.But one rite of passage that is rarely recognized is that of helping a parent transition and then stepping into the role of elder.

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Today we invite you to go back and encourage the you that had big dreams and didn't have the support to make them happen, and give yourself what you always needed and deserved.It is safe for you to acknowledge your truest desires and follow your heart, for those dreams have always been there to direct your path.

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Your highest self and your guides always conspire to delight you by leading you to your highest potentials.It's their greatest joy! When you release your 3D based habit of trying to control your manifestations, you move into the flow of 5D co-creation and that is when you can start to discover new possibilities that create giant leaps on your path that are so satisfying for everyone involved.

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When you get too specific with your manifestations you are trying to wrestle your dreams into submission.Can you feel how constraining that energy is?

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Don't fight your dreams, trying to wrestle them into some version you think is acceptable.This won't work because you often get the template of how you think your dream should look from other people's matches, which may not be a perfect match for you.Your dream is a completely unique blend of your energetics along with the energy of the dream itself.The two combined together are what creates the magic.

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Trusting yourself and your own instincts is vital as you step into the new.Your life expression wants to unfold in a way that honours you and your soul's truest desires.That means you must trust that what you yearn for truly exists for you in a version that is perfect for you.

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Do you have a distrust of ease? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop when things are going well? Do you live by sayings like, no pain no gain? Do you feel struggle is noble or somehow necessary before you are worthy to receive?

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The conscious choices you start making today are acts of love for your future self and begin to shift your path into one of greater grace, ease, and satisfaction.What one thing can you do for yourself today that you will be grateful for tomorrow? We urge you to start small and pay attention, for the ripples of one wise choice can spread far and wide.If you do this every single day, before you know it your entire life will be transformed, and you will be amazed at how far you have come and how much better you feel about both yourself and your life expression.

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If someone else's success has made you feel bad about yourself, you are misinterpreting what is playing out for you.Your soul is making you aware of what is possible for you and bringing examples of it into your awareness for you to create your own unique version of it.It is not to make you feel lack, but rather an attempt to lead you forward into a more satisfying experience.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet.Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power you are ready to assume it.It is the people who don't have a healthy respect for power who get into trouble with it.True healing with the theme of power comes from embracing your power in a mindful way that benefits all, not from trying to avoid it.Rest assured you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole.You are wise, you are conscious, and you are ready to step into the fully empowered expression of you, and your soul is so excited you are at this juncture of your evolution.

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