Dear Ones, your inner child aspects are the trusting parts of you.If you have trust issues it can be very helpful to reintegrate any inner child aspects who felt they had to separate from the whole in order to stay safe.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Feb 06 Sun 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-31 如何療癒信任問題?
- Feb 05 Sat 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-27 在自己的真理中閃耀
Many of you have a reluctance to be seen as you really are due to past experiences where you were not accepted in that truth.You may have been shunned,judged,abandoned,or ridiculed.Many of you are working on the healing of that core wound in order to step forward in your highest life expression.
- Feb 04 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-26 你一直在等待出現的人就是你自己
Dear Ones,your innocence can never be lost.If you have experienced events in your life where you feel that happened,it indicates fragmentation occurred.The fragmentation happened because the parts of you were innocent were preserving themselves.
- Feb 03 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-25 與你的內在小孩合作
Your inner child is the CEO of presence,imagination,and fun.When was the last time you connected with that part of you? You will come to recognize the natural traits of the inner child as essential to your spiritual journey as you move further into the energies of 2022 and beyond.This is yet another example of you having everything you need within yourself just waiting for your acceptance and inclusion.Why not allow your inner child to serve you with its lightness while you serve it with your attention and love? You will find this relationship to be synergistic and rewarding in so many ways.
- Feb 03 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-2-25 愛與光終將勝利、和平必將繼承地球!
The energy of war is not an energetic match to your planet any longer.Nor is the energy of division and hate.While these energies might have been satisfying to some in the past, they will no longer give the results those who play in those energies are looking for.
- Feb 02 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-24 是時候放手了嗎?
Non-resistance is the rest stop between resistance and acceptance.What thing have you been resisting that you know,deep in your being,it is time to let go of? Can you allow yourself to shift into the neutral zone of non-resistance as the first empowered step towards the deeper faith,trust,patience,and peace acceptance has to offer? Because from there the flow will finally have an opportunity to to take you to far better solutions and experiences than your resistance ever could.
- Feb 01 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-23 你的完整只能來自內在
Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves.While your society has taught you that is noble,in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion.Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others.Over time,they will find those efforts will never feel like enough and become less and less satisfying.
- Jan 31 Mon 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-22 有意識的創造
Dear Ones,change by itself is not what you are afraid of.Change is the bridge to the world you wish to create,to all the wonderful things that are your birthright.No,what you are afraid of is the result of living your life unconsciously.Conscious creation is the key to embracing change as the never-ending gift it really is and living your life with a sense of joyous expectation.
- Jan 28 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-21 跟隨你靈魂的呼喚和心的渴望
Dear Ones,you do not need another's approval to proceed in a direction that feels right and aligned for you.If you are feeling drawn to something it is because your soul is looking to have that experience.Please know if you are being pressured to live your life in a certain way to please another they are not qualified to advise you,for if they were they would encourage you to follow your own truth and inner guidance.
- Jan 27 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-20 在生命表達中取得巨大飛躍的方式
You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation.The question is,what kind of manifesting would you like to do?
- Jan 26 Wed 2022 00:17
【大天使加百利】2022-1-19 做出的明智且有意識的決定
Dear Ones, the wise and conscious decisions you make today are acts of love that smooth the path for your future self.
- Jan 25 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-18 什麼是業力中和?
Many of you talk about karmic balancing, which can indicate that the original energy exists but it is, as the words suggest, in an overall state of balance.We would like to introduce you to the idea of karmic neutralization.This would mean that the original issue that was seeking balance has lost its charge and has completely dissipated so that energetic theme is no longer active in any way.And that, Dear Ones, is what many of you are experiencing and it will come with a sense of being truly freed from the past, and from that state the possibilities are endless.
- Jan 24 Mon 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-17 臣服 vs 小我
Dear Ones, you can't surrender and be in ego at the same time because the ego's preferred state is control not flow.In fact, if you try to surrender, the ego will likely try to prevent you from taking that empowered step through the use of fear and doubt.
- Jan 23 Sun 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-16 只是存在
It is common for human beings to experience fear if they do not know where they are going.Yet your greatest discoveries are made through exploration, and you lose that gift if your path is always mapped out ahead of time.If you have deeply honed faith and trust you can get comfortable with not knowing and simply allow the unfoldment with peace and a sense of curiosity.
- Jan 22 Sat 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-15 不要認為和你不同信念就是錯的
Many enlightening human beings have questions about what to do with their loved ones who aren't on the same path as they are.Our answer? Simply love them and know that they are exactly where they need to be on their own path.
- Jan 21 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-14 同情心之手
Today we would like to talk about an energy healing capability many of you don't realize you have.We call it compassion hands.There are some energy healers who use brief, gentle touch to comfort and soothe those in need.They instinctively reach out and rub a back, pat a shoulder, touch an arm, or use any other small, supportive contact in order to give others an infusion of compassionate energy.Most often people with compassion hands don't even realize they are energy healers because it feels so natural to them, but let us assure you, their service is beautiful and impactful, and a gift of the energies of the divine.This is just another example of how many of you are being of service just being you and don't even realize the difference you are making.
- Jan 20 Thu 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-13 伴隨著信念和信任臣服和流動
When you surrender and flow with your faith and trust, you aren't just demonstrating your faith and trust in Source, but also in your own true divine nature.It is how you experience yourself as a beloved and empowered aspect of the whole in a way that is filled with wonder, not ego, and that is the safe and authentic space you wish to express yourself from.
- Jan 19 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-12 不要讓消極的焦點歪曲你對世界的看法
We understand that it can feel like the world is a terrible and unsafe place when you listen to your news.What we would like to point out is that the things that disturb you on the news are news because they are not the norm.What we are trying to point out here is that there is far more kindness, far more love, far more positivity on the planet than your news would indicate.So much so, that it is not news at all! Don't allow negative focus to skew your viewpoint of the world, Dear Ones, for even in what seems to be your darkest times, love and kindness is still the prevalent energy on your planet and it is demonstrated in more ways than we could begin to count every single day.How do you know? Because you are still shocked when you see otherwise.
- Jan 18 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-1-11 療癒方程式和肯定語的區別
We spoke yesterday of the healing power of creating your own healing equations—lovely and supportive combinations of words contained in a sentence that create a feeling of relief and expansion within you energetically.They are like a healing balm you can use to treat a space that has been seeking support and healing.You might wonder what the difference is between a healing equation and an affirmation.We would like to address this today.