目前分類:天使 (3542)

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Dear Ones, in order to truly heal the divisions on your planet, you must also heal the divisions within yourselves.This is why we encourage you so often to love and accept yourselves, to welcome any unhealed aspects of self back into the safety of the whole, to find your way to inner peace through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and settle into your true beingness.The energies you hold anchor and support the changes you wish to see on the planet.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Thanks to Denise Swick for bringing this message that was originally posted on August 3, 2017 back into my awareness.A perfect share for today!

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Stop and go energy is a sure sign something is in the process of taking form.It is the phase between the intangible and the tangible, working in a similar way as the pushes and rests in between that happen during labor to facilitate birth.It is an indicator of movement and progress.Hold the space of your dreams and allow the universe to work its magic.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Many of you are currently experiencing what we call red light/green light energy.It can seem like you are making actual, tangible progress towards your dreams and then that movement abruptly stops.It can be frustrating for you, to say the least, especially when so many of you have been in what has felt like a long waiting period.

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Yesterday we spoke of making friends with the busyness of your mind, and how it can be an asset to your spiritual journey.(If you have not read that message yet, we highly recommend you take the time to do so.) Today we would like to bring to your awareness another service the mind offers you.

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The heart is instinctive, the brain is knowledge driven.What a dynamic duo for your enlightenment journey!

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We hear so many of you fighting against your mind.You resist your thoughts, you don't meditate because you can't  get your mind to still, you spin yourself in circles because you can't  turn it off.Your mind is not the enemy, Dear Ones, it is just not a complete guidance system.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What you include in your present moment is what creates the foundation for your tomorrows.In the buffet of life, what do you wish to add as part of your experience and what can you simply leave behind?

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rejecting more than you accept can create blockages to monetary abundance or any other desired creations because rejection is a"no" energy while moving into abundance is a result of"yes" energy.Concentrating on resisting or rejecting, if it is your predominant energy, can result in energetics that say no to everything.You are far better served by acceptance than resistance, in all ways, always.

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Many of you are at a point where you simply don't know what is fun for you anymore.This is yet another reason why the retrieval and reintegration of your inner child is such an important thing to do at this time.You serve your inner child by welcoming it back into the safety and security you can now offer it.Your inner child serves you because its specialty is fun!

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A lot of people have a fear of surrender because they feel like it may take them somewhere worse.Dear Ones, it simply does not work that way.Surrender is how you follow the desires of your soul, along with the full assistance of a universe that adores you, into your highest life expression.

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Love is a stabilizing and balancing force.If your relationship with another is stormy or contentious, it isn't love that causes that but rather fear of the absence of love.

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Resisting change is like sending out an energetic transmission that nothing could be as good as it is now.You are capping yourselves and your experiences which is a great disservice to both you and the planet.We ask you to open the door to the idea that things could continue to get even better than they are now if you allow them to.Can you make room in your life for even more joy, more love, more excitement, more fun? Do you have the courage to explore just how big and beautiful your life wants to be?

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To come back into harmony with another, it can be very helpful to find an activity you can both share from a place of open receptivity.Meditation, song, dance, cooking together, a hobby or sport you both enjoy, time spent in the beauty of nature, a road trip—anything that creates a shared experience will offer you an opportunity to meet in the middle—to reset, if you will, into far greater ease with each other.It will allow you to join up with each other on the same energetic layer.

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Many human beings want things to stay the same to provide themselves a sense of security.But trying to keep things predictable by putting your energy into keeping things the same works against you because you are then actively trying to work against the natural flow of the universe.Over time you will be trying to thrive in expired energies which will only become harder and harder and make you very uncomfortable, indeed.

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The practice of judgement comes from the need to use externals to define yourself.It is also the continuation of the myth of a judging God, as you will often mimic how you believe God to be.

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Dear Ones,you can't wrestle fear to the ground.Fear is a symptom,not the problem itself.Fear is a sign of not feeling safe,provided for,guided,prepared,capable,or protected.So if you are confronted by a fear,trying to resist it,fight it,or deny it will only aggravate the unhealed aspects of you that are desperate for your love and guidance,which will only create more fear and discomfort.

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