My dear friends, we love you so very much,
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Sep 11 Mon 2023 00:00
- Sep 04 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Aug 14 Mon 2023 00:00
- Aug 07 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jul 17 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jul 12 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-7-6 超越抗拒
We spoke yesterday of how discomfort is a messenger. We understand it can be difficult to discern where the discomfort is coming from or what its message for you might be, so today we wish to break it down a little further for you.
- Jul 11 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-7-5 "不適感"是一個信使
- Jul 10 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jul 06 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-29 啟蒙過程
We understand that it can be difficult to believe that as much growth is going on within you as we assure you there is. It might help to think of a pregnancy.
- Jul 05 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-28 花點時間和你的心連接並聆聽自己的內心
Your ego self, which works through the mind, is the part of you that likes to think it knows the speed at which things should be unfolding. It is also the part of you that can trick you into thinking things are somehow wrong. Your soul self, which works through your heart, is calm, centred, and confident, and can see the bigger picture. So if you find yourself in doubt and self judgement, at the very least take the time to connect and listen to your heart, too. Then decide which information is most supportive of your journey and most qualified to lead you. After all, a fair person will take the time to listen to all points of view before they can decide the truth of any situation. Doesn't it make sense to do the same for yourself?
- Jul 04 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-27 你進化的每個階段都是美麗和必要的
Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn't bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports all that is to come. It is the same with you. Whether you consider yourself a seedling, a bud, or in full bloom, you are divinely perfect in whatever stage of beingness you are in. We urge you to start to see that all the phases of your evolution are beautiful and necessary and show your growth and progress.
- Jul 03 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Jun 29 Thu 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-22 真正的變化將開始被看到
We spoke yesterday of the shift from initiate to actuate, from doing to being, from learning to embodying. You might think of moving into your actuate phase as allowing your own sacred heart centre to activate and lead the way. And that is exactly how you will all start to anchor the energy of heaven on earth, and the true changes will start to be seen on your planet. Never underestimate the power and purpose of your own evolution, Dear Ones, for it has a profound effect on both the individual and the collective.
- Jun 28 Wed 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-21 不只是知道它,而是活出它
This solstice is designed to assist you in making the shift from the role of initiate to actuate. The initiate stage focuses on studying and learning. It is preparation for the actuate phase, which is stepping into taking that accumulated knowledge and embodying it.
- Jun 27 Tue 2023 00:00
【大天使加百利】2023-6-20 成為真實的自己
As you continue to evolve beyond 3D, you will find you shift out of seeking the ego satisfaction that comes from externals into the deep satisfaction that comes from expressing yourself as your soul self. That will become a state of preference and joy, because that choice never comes with regret or second guessing yourself. It is how you experience yourself as your truest self which is where all your growth and expansion has been trying to lead you, and what the next phase of your incarnation is all about. From there it really won't matter what people think because there is a peace and groundedness that comes from being the true embodiment of you. And that, Dear Ones, is where your freedom is found and your path begins to unfold in the most remarkable ways.
- Jun 26 Mon 2023 00:00
My dear friends, we love you so very much,