Each of you, at some point or another, has hidden parts of yourself in fear of being judged.They may have been parts that you like very much, but felt others would not understand them.In the end, all the hiding deeply affected how you relate to your world, a mask you wore to protect and shelter yourself.That time is over, dearest child!It may be challenging,but it is time to begin showing your true self.It does not matter what others think or feel about you…what matters is how you feel about yourself! Embrace and grow!

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偷懶不運動的不良後果,不止是肚腩愈來愈大。哈佛醫學院精神科副教授瑞提(John Ratey)表示,運動啟動的大腦細胞,多於其他任何活動。不鍛鍊身體,大腦可能蒙受四種下場:

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When you have taken the time to really listen to who you are and what your preferences are, you are prepared to create in earnest when the energies support forward movement.You have clarity, and can then use your energy towards staying in the flow and having appreciation for each Now moment, adjusting as you go.But you cannot create the perfect matches for yourself if you do not know what brings you joy.That is the gift of the lull.It allows you to get very clear about your preferences in order to be ready for the next action phase.An action phase is about to make itself known to you.Enjoy the ride, Dear Ones, it is what you have been preparing for.

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When you feel you are at your weakest, that is when the strength of your heart is truly defined.

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There is a pervasive belief that ease is somehow bad, that it makes you lazy or somehow undeserving.This is old conditioning, Dear Ones! When you are willingly harnessing the energies that come from the natural rhythm of ebb and flow by accepting yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, ease must naturally follow.

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Amidst the weaknesses of human nature, strengths appear where you believe none exist.

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Now,how am I to know myself? I can only know myself in relationship; the observation of myself takes place only when there is response and reaction in relationship; there is no such thing as isolation.The mind is isolating itself all the time in all its activities,building a wall round itself in order not to be hurt,not to have any discomfort,unhappiness,or trouble; it is isolating itself all the time in its self-centred activity.

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