Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle,except the highest authority.Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them.You may therefore proceed with your life,knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones.They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place,as they will have their power taken away from them.They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions.

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If you truly understood that you can always move back into your purest essence of self—back into your innocence,your divine template—you would let go of the illusion of insurmountable hurts and very quickly move into forgiveness and wholeness,which would,in turn,create a cascade of healing in your life.If you have been hurt or abused,your wounded self may have retreated deep within in its desire to avoid more hurt,but it is always there waiting to come back into the light once it knows it is safe.Once you truly accept the resiliency and indestructible nature of your essence,and commit to being your own loving guide or parent and creating a safe and nurturing environment for yourself,you will understand that healing is always available to you by simply integrating back into your wholeness and letting go of the illusion of permanent wounds.

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You are Creating New Connections

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大自然是非常神奇且富有創意的,有些人相信造物者早已把有益人體健康的食物賦予在祂所「設計」的生態萬物中。例如古老的「形象學說」(Doctrine of Signatures)就指出,地球上每種蔬菜和水果的形狀都與人體的某部位有相對應之處,這是一種食用後對該部位有益的視覺信號。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you are still confused about the difference between self love and selfishness.Self love means you treat yourself with the same love,honour,care and respect as you treat others.You see yourself as being equally deserving and allow that time and nurturing for yourself,knowing that it will allow you to be your best you,which will,in turn,benefit others.Selfishness worries not about anyone else,at all.Self love comes from a place of unity consciousness and connection to the limitlessness of Source.Selfishness believes that there isn"t enough for everyone and acts from a place of disconnection,fear and lack.Self love is embracing the divine flow of the universe,allowing love to flow to,and through you.Selfishness is very one-sided.

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Rejoice and Celebrate

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Catching Your Fall

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