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Sadhguru:Most of you who grew up in this culture would have been exposed to a fair amount of talk about karma.Still,the question remains how to get out of this seemingly endless cycle of activity and karma,cause and effect? Are there activities that are more conducive than others on the path to liberation? Actually,no activity at all would be best—no movement in the body,no movement in the head.But how many people are capable of that? This happened towards the end of the British Raj,when the independence movement was growing strong,and the British knew their rule in India would soon come to an end.Before they left,they wanted to grab as much as they could.When the Great Depression hit economies around the world,their eyes fell on the South Indian temples.Even though people were poor and starving,they took care of their gods well,and the temples accumulated huge treasures.

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Q:I want to leave this daily routine and dedicate myself fully to understand the real"I." But the moment I think of my family,everything takes the backstage.How do I balance this?

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Sadhguru:Every reverberation, whether of great consequence or otherwise, has an existential root, but meanings have no existential root.Meanings only mean something within the framework of your mind.Only when you live in human society are meanings important because human beings have lost traction with Creation.The only place where meanings have some relevance is in the ridiculous creation of their own, which is their psychological space.It is a new world that people have created for themselves.You see the world clashing because everybody is living in their own world.This is a psychological structure.It is an illusion that you create for yourself.

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通過克裡亞瑜伽(kriya yoga)會在你和你的身體,在你和你的頭腦之間創造某些空間。假如說在你的生命中存在著任何掙扎的話,那是因為你將你自己認同於你自己的這些有限的方面。

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Isha編者按On this week's Spot,Sadhguru shares his plans for the upcoming International Day of Yoga,some of the major events,and Isha's main focus this year:「We want to reach out to the most important segment of human population—the children.」

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